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  1. sonshine

    In your opinion what is the State of the Union in the US?

    :cry::cry: boo-who the stores don't have any fake powdered man made concoctions to force into my child. People ever hear of God given BREAST MILK???? VERY FEW women on this earth actually have a need to use that junk (formulas) If they did what God designed their bodies to do in the first...
  2. sonshine

    Human Organs In Pigs

    As in the days of Noah............ Come quickly Lord!!!
  3. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    I'll have to try and find the article again that I read this from, but this father/daughter team is friends with Jacob Blake..........
  4. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    I just can't help but wonder if there is a connection to the monster who drove through the Waukesha parade.
  5. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    Jacob Blake is the one who was shot by officers that led to the Kenosha riots, Justin is his uncle who is stirring the pot......... The father/daughter are friends of the Blake family, specifically Jacob. Anything they were there to do was not for "security" but rather to cause more problems if...
  6. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    So, they aren't happy about the outcome of Kyle's case and marched in protest today. Interesting...... now all of a sudden it's okay for a 16 year old girl to be carrying a gun (while marching with her father providing "armed security") Erick Jordan and his daughter Jade Jordan, 16, provide...
  7. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    Justin Blake (who speaks in below video) is the uncle of Jacob Blake who was shot by police, the incident that set off the Kenosha riot that Kyle Rittenhouse was involved in. Anthony Huber (one of the deceased from the Rittenhouse shooting) was a friend of Jacob Blake. I'm listening to this...
  8. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    We are very happy for Kyle!!!!
  9. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    He does not have a family business here in Kenosha. Though it was a nice try, and nice line to try and cover ones self. Consider this, if there really were a family business in danger then wouldn't one want to stay on the property/premises to protect it? NOT be out wandering around the streets?
  10. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    And therein is where this all starts to fall apart. Had he stayed home (after all, at 17 years old during the time he was breaking curfew!) he would not have been a position where he felt he had to defend himself. This whole D**N thing is a set up by the Demoncratic party!!! Majority of the...
  11. sonshine

    Pray for the Jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial

    If you are following national news in the USA, then you likely are aware of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, WI. If not, a quick online search will tell you. Please keep the jurors of this case in prayer. (and their families) Pray for them to have clarity of mind, and peace of mind, as...
  12. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    The whole D**n thing was a set up. Majority of rioters that night were no doubt paid for by Soros $$$ They got what they wanted out of it..... hatred, division, and yet another reason to try and go after Americans guns.
  13. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    Can you people read between the lines? This is being blown up MUCH bigger than it actually is. just like all the crap with vaccines and covid. I mean, around here IN KENOSHA people are just rolling their eyes, and shaking their heads over this stuff. The crowds you see around the courthouse...
  14. sonshine

    Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

    OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! I am from Kenosha, born and raised. And though I don't live in the town now, several of my family and friends do so I am there quite often. And you know what's sad? I see and hear more on this site about Kyle Rittenhouse drama than I do in the town...
  15. sonshine

    Reports made on CC

    I don't know if I would be amazed by that, or even surprised. I have read threads that go back and forth "I reported you" "so I reported you too". But I was just wondering because sometimes I'll notice something and wonder if it was reported or should be, while other times I notice the...
  16. sonshine

    Does God want us to have children?

    You know why ;) . But if you REALLY need it to be explained to you, you can always ask the moderators.
  17. sonshine


    well, didn't the illegal, impostor claim he was going to unite Americans again?
  18. sonshine

    Reports made on CC

    When we hit the REPORT button either to report a user or a post are they anonymous, or do the mods see who is making the report?