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  1. S

    Eternal Security Promotes Sin?

    Jesus gave his life to insure our eternal security in the Father and from sin. Those who are in Christ do not make a habit of sinning. Those who claim Christ and continue to sin do not know Christ. And he does not know them. It's all scripture and pretty simple. Sadly though there have arrived...
  2. S

    woman preaachers

    This is a hot topic in every Christian community discussion forum. And there are always two sides. That which argues God would never pick a woman to spread the good news of Salvation. And those that say being how important it is when God wants no one to perish in their sins, is it rational to...
  3. S

    Come say hello to the newbie :D

    :love: Glad to be here and share with you in community and the love and light of our Lord. Hope to see you on the boards. Blessed Be.