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  1. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    Christ is risen! Thank you for your replies. I don't have the energy and time to reply to each comment. Especially because I know that my comments would ensue more comments and I don't have time to carefully read them and answer them. Sorry! @Eli1 I admit I am saddened by the fact you, an...
  2. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    No. Each orthodox country has a Patriarch. I do not know the answer to those questions. I'm sorry. I know that the end of the world is preceded by certain signs: 1.) the predication of the gospel to all nations, 2.) the conversion of the Jews to Christianity, 3.)the multiplication of sin and...
  3. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    It's my poor choice of words. Next time, I'll be more careful.
  4. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    Yes. That's right. We seldom use the word presbyteros... :unsure: I had to look up the Nicolaitan sect and what I found isn't related to the hierarchy in church. This is in theory... because in practice... it's a different story. All priests and deacons I know are married. Monks are...
  5. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    Yes. That's the reason I created this. To share with people something I believed is worth sharing. You are right, "despise" is too much; maybe "lack of consideration" would be more appropriate. This is how I received your message: with a sort of condescendence towards me, my post, the icon and...
  6. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    I have a curiosity: do you reject any depiction of Jesus Christ or only the iconic depiction of Him?
  7. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    Yes. I did say that. I used "feminine" as an adverb for the verb "to sit", not as a qualificative adjective for Jesus Christ...
  8. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    Exactly! He doesn't seek to comply to our worldly ideas and expectations of how a king should look like. Although Jesus Christ is being loyal to the prophecy of Zechariah (Zechariah, 9:9), it looks like His own people forgot it or believe it's just... I don't know... a verse to be commented in...
  9. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    No, it's not. When the Church separated, the western one took the name "catholic" and the other one (the eastern one) took the name "orthodox". Catholic means "universal" and orthodox means "correct worship".
  10. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    I belong nominally to the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Church One is the Church before the Great Schism. I am ecumenical and believe we should all (this includes my Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters) return to the sources of Christianity in order to understand our faith and know the...
  11. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    I believe this is called kairos. When God's call is met with our response. And this is an unforgettable encounter, the true worship in spirit and truth. We are all called to repent (the gr. word for it is "metanoia" - renewal of the mind) in order to acquire the thought of God. All our life...
  12. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    I think there's a misunderstanding here. I never said Jesus Christ was effeminate... I really don't know what to reply to this... :unsure:. You mean why do they represent him with long hair and both feet on the same side? We consider Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be our...
  13. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    To this I reply with John 3:16 and 1 Peter 3:19. I would say that His ways defies our worldly logic and expectations. And this is because His kingdom is not of this world. The problem is how we perceive God and salvation. In my church (Orthodox Church), salvation is not something that...
  14. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    As opposed to the religious imagery existing nowadays which represents how people imagine God, the icon represents how God chooses to present Himself to the world. Moses wasn't present at the creation of Adam and Eve, yet, we, the Church, believe him. Depends what church we talk about. I...
  15. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    Yes. And since we have the knowledge of God's love for us - proven by the acceptance of God the Son to incarnate and defeat the devil under the conditions created by the fall of Adam, that is, not by using divine power, but, paradoxically, through suffering and death - we would be right to...
  16. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    As for the way he sits on the colt, the canonic way of representing it is with both feet on one side. Images that represent Him otherwise are rejected by the Church.
  17. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    The icon represents how the Church sees and understands the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It isn't merely a tautologic visual version of the biblical verses depicting the event, but there is more to it. It is full of theological meaning. It is not (only) about an event that took place...
  18. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    It means that Esau's time was not then, not that God ignores him forever. With Esau God had other plans.
  19. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    I recommend you to read the book Jesus, The Son of Man, by Khalil Gibran. The book shows the perspective of different people (Matthew, Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, Judas the Iscariot, Pilates, Caiaphas, a widow, a shepherd, John etc.) on Jesus Christ after they meet Him.
  20. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    The word "hate" is a Hebraism which does not contradict the nature of God, it simply indicates the secondary position of Esau in the order of God's preferences. The same word is used in Luke 14:26. The idea is not that of hatred, but of position in a hierarchy; rephrased, it would be like this...