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  1. T

    Are we in the end times ?

    The book of Revelation is a prophetic book written for THE last church. Each generation is meant to know it because no one knows when He will return. This is why in many places Jesus says these things will happen soon because He is directly talking to THAT final church (in the 70th week) at the...
  2. T

    Help with repentance.

    I used to be just like you. I figured that if I just continued into a relationship my habits would just translate into intimacy. And that the guilt/shame/defeat would be a thing of the past. The long and short of it was another deception from the Devil. From experience, you'll learn that the...
  3. T

    Emergency prayers

    Still praying for you, brother.
  4. T

    I'm having Problems with Resentment, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, and Misdirection

    "Friend, a treasure, one who loves you as you are. One who sees not only who you are but who you can become. One who is there to catch you when you fall. One with whom you can share your everyday experiences. One who accepts your worst, but helps you to become your best. Someone who understands...
  5. T

    My wife is having a breakdown

    Asked the Lord to intervene in your situation. Be blessed brother!
  6. T

    Maranatha Cry!!!

    26 Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord; we have blessed you from the house of the Lord. (Psalms 118:26) 39 For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!’” (Matthew 23.39) 35 Behold, your house is left to...
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    Righteousness consciousness versus sin consciousness

    Public forum here. If you don't like what's being said, then use that little ignore option under the profile.
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    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    A while ago you mentioned two different robes at the wedding feast. If you find the time check out Judges 14-15.
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    Righteousness consciousness versus sin consciousness

    I reread your initial post and I can see where your going with this. People can equate their words as God's word and it's usually misdirected. But don't forget that God can use a person to help clarify a matter that He has spoken. We ough to remain humbled toward one another and be able to...
  10. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    Now we have something to talk about. [Hebrews 9:28] I've thought about this before but this doesn't harmonize with everything else He says. There are ways around this but notice that in verse 27 He says that we must die once... But, instead consider the thought that on His first coming Jesus...
  11. T

    Righteousness consciousness versus sin consciousness

    I'll try to limit my use of scripture to avoid sparking fires here, but if we are each only proclaiming our own thoughts understandings aren't we just spreading confusion. It's our own individual beliefs that separate us, and understanding the one truth will unite us, well someday anyways...
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    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    Call me ignorant (and I would agree) but what does the acronym bdf mean?
  13. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    Be encouraged, prophecy from the Holy Spirit should always be shared with the person/subject being witnessed. The trouble is decerning His voice from amongst all the noise. Brother Blain, would you consider starting a separate thread based on your dream and this passage. Like you said before...
  14. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    The word here is, "Judgement." Wasn't God's judgment on the world (Noah's day) and on Sodom/Gomorrah Biblical to say the least (flood that covered the world/a rain of burning sulfur). I hope there's no argument here; clearly, this was the Hand of God at work. But according to the...
  15. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    My rebuttal towards you was due to name-calling Omegatime as ("a Darby cultist"). If your paying attention, you'd know that my view on the subject more closely aligns with yours. Keep in mind, many ppl abandon threads/conversations that break down into shouting matches like red vs blue. Don't be...
  16. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    It's my understanding that the Bible from the beginning points to Jesus as the center of all things. Not only His return in end times but also His birth, death, resurrection, and exaltation shadowing His first appearance. The majority of scripture is dedicated to His life around these 2 periods...
  17. T

    Confessing a porn addiction

    Sin, shame, lust, hiding...I went through a similar experience. The Holy Spirit pulled me out of homosexual sin about 12 months ago and convicted me in a similar manner. We were together (in sin) for about 3 years and preparing for marriage, but my new found relationship with Christ became more...
  18. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    I think I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that Passover/Feast of Weeks may mark the timing of His coming based on the OP. To that, I say I don't think so. However, I do agree that like in the garden all will "fall asleep" while watching/waiting on the Lord. This is mainly based on...
  19. T

    Are you watching for the Lord ???

    I know this is hardly the place for this is but does anyone think that His coming may be after the man of sin is revealed. As to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we beg you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by...
  20. T

    Hi there, I was recently trying to post a thread on events about the mazzaroth/constellations...

    Hi there, I was recently trying to post a thread on events about the mazzaroth/constellations. It was pending a review but I guess it was unapproved/tabooed or something. Can you please tell me why or what I need to change for approval of this discussion? There was no feedback or comment from...