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  1. Tellion

    Not By Works

    From a man who never brags. Silent assumption about the opposition so that you don't have to declare it outright and face the onslaught of obvious counters. This is an assumption based on the idea that the exhortations in scriptures are there to keep us from falling out of grace. Again, I am...
  2. Tellion

    Not By Works

    @EleventhHour yep, jumped right over you. Sorry. On the one hand, though, you are very intimidating.
  3. Tellion

    Not By Works

    I edited it... :-\
  4. Tellion

    Not By Works

    fair enough. I still maintain a sadness over this oppression of feline expression
  5. Tellion

    Not By Works

    Not fans of catalogs huh?
  6. Tellion

    Not By Works

    That kitty does not look happy. Wonder if there's a dog involved in this story...
  7. Tellion

    Not By Works

    I didn't take it that way. In some ways its a blessing, because it will indeed keep me in a conversation, once I get past my timidity. Between my OCD, agoraphobia, and diabetes, I am still by no means crippled by them. I make it outdoors, am able to hold my tongue, and have more recently...
  8. Tellion

    Not By Works

    I'm sorry... not exactly what I meant when I said that, I was pointing out my own verbal compulsion, and saying with that, I can understand where you stand, even though we don't stand in exactly the same spot.
  9. Tellion

    Not By Works

    I know what you mean. I mean, not the hoarding part, that's a whole other kind of neurotic.... but the confessional oversharing OCD, yeah, I can understand your point.
  10. Tellion

    Not By Works

    Sometimes I wonder if I came here just to exercise control over my OCD... :-|
  11. Tellion

    Not By Works

    Thanks, so long as you're aware that my time is going to be consumed here pretty quickly in other endeavors. I'm not abandoning you. Just have prior obligations. But from what I can tell, you are all pretty well equipped. I'll drop in every now and then.
  12. Tellion

    Not By Works

    They question our complete faith in salvation... whereby we have the courage to go out and serve regardless of failure. We question the finite (partial, incomplete) work of a god that would leave any of the perfect participation (that is required) open to sinful men.
  13. Tellion

    Not By Works

    We're being blocked.... One by one. Hmm.... Which begs the question.... Ah well, no matter.
  14. Tellion

    Not By Works

    oh... Are you implying malice where irony was being accentuated? I certainly am not trying to hurt feelings. I mean, if it's not obvious to you, it is to me, that everything I say is open and legible.... And open for retort.
  15. Tellion

    Not By Works

    It's odd how somebody who claims to have such a plain grasp of language fails in the context of current up-to-date conversation.
  16. Tellion

    Not By Works

    i.e. it was not - N O T - addressed to Judas by this assessment
  17. Tellion

    Not By Works

    "addressed to saved people, but not everyone in a group of professing believers is saved." Key word "professing" saying you are a thing whether or not you are... Kinda like claiming you understand something.
  18. Tellion

    Not By Works

    You completely dodged that point. I mean you actively tried to misunderstand it.
  19. Tellion

    Not By Works

    *Or.... ***Sigh***
  20. Tellion

    Not By Works

    You are ignoring our are ignorant of two facts... The fall was Adam forsaking God for his own god, himself. And human depravity is man forsaking God for whatever little g god catches his fancy. It is only in perfection that we are free of this fact.