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  1. ProphetExcalibur

    Luke 17 - Where are they taken?

    It's not a good thing in my estimation!! Noah was left the wicked was taken; Joshua and Israel were left wicked taken;. Lot left, wicked taken;. Moses and Israel left and wicked taken; The Jews had become God's enemy, this is who the dead body was!?
  2. ProphetExcalibur

    Luke 17 - Where are they taken?

    So reading this in context, is this not the Dead body in Adam?! Putting away old covenant Israel; God divorcing His wife, having her stoned to death, etc...... Vs what is coming shortly, the body of Christ Jesus the 2nd Adam; New covenant Israel, the bride of Christ!?! Where were the vultures...
  3. ProphetExcalibur

    Was Jesus planning to return within a generation?

    Sorry you are wrong and the scriptures are right!! .. some of you standing here will not taste death untill they see the son of man coming (again- a second time) .... ....All of these things will come upon this generation....30ad-70ad This word was to his disciples who were there with him in...
  4. ProphetExcalibur

    Was Jesus planning to return within a generation?

    Yes He was! And yes He did!!
  5. ProphetExcalibur

    The Tempest

    Amen! And bravo!!
  6. ProphetExcalibur

    Christian 101

    O Lord You know I have no friend like You If heavens not my home Then Lord what would i do The angels 👼 becon me Through heavens open door And I can't Feel at home In this world any more
  7. ProphetExcalibur

    Christian 101

    Showers of blessings Showers of blessings we need Mercy drops Round us are falling But for the showers we plead
  8. ProphetExcalibur

    Would The Story of Your Life Be a Best-Seller?

    Maybe or maybe not a best seller?!?! But definitely a humdinger! Alot about Jesus, cop's, and jail time!!? Nice thread, makes for a lot to think about and a good chuckle!!
  9. ProphetExcalibur

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Okay some 6 Months ago or so l was doing a study in the garden of Eden. I don't recall what started the study but this i found, and thought it was amazing! Genesis 3:22, ...and God said, behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and...
  10. ProphetExcalibur

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Yes! Okay, guess I'm not very good at this??! My question is: Is the tree of Life, in the garden of Eden Christ Jesus?
  11. ProphetExcalibur

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    So this is both a question and an inquiry into your post back to me! 1) is the tree of life Christ Jesus? According to the scriptures 2) Is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the serpent? I wasn't asking a question with my statement about the serpent i was answering her question...
  12. ProphetExcalibur

    Are Those Who Have Fallen Away in Hebrews 6:4-8 Born-Again?

    The book is written to the Hebrews, or Jews; these scriptures are also! I believe this is Paul and God gave Him the green light in Rome to freely write this to his brethren the Jews. Heb 5:11-12. ... seeing you are hard of hearing..... for when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have...
  13. ProphetExcalibur


    Here's two great books i recommend to everyone: 1) unseen realm 2) reversing Hermon Both by Michael S Heiser
  14. ProphetExcalibur

    Guilty or Innocent

    I have been innocent and found guilty in a court of law! And trust me the thoughts of killing some people can over flood you, but think God for cooler heads on my behalf!! God used the whole thing on my behalf and brung me into a place with Him i would have never known!! That's the only way I...
  15. ProphetExcalibur

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Is not this forbidden fruit from the Serpents loins?
  16. ProphetExcalibur

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    Yes we should reply on what Paul says, because Jesus said Paul is my man! Plus, Jesus wouldn't have ever said that straight out while He was still alive because of the mission at hand. So He give Paul to say it after His death and resurrection. To me anyway it's just that simple! Anything else...
  17. ProphetExcalibur


    Because I am a child of God; ...yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for Thou art with me...
  18. ProphetExcalibur

    Stagnant Art

    Just a suggestion!!!😁 The play itself is worth the trip! But there's a lot more, Google the website! Something like this might be the reset button to get you jump started!? 😲🙏🔥
  19. ProphetExcalibur

    Stagnant Art

    Bro you should just go and check it out, everything there is an art form to Christ!
  20. ProphetExcalibur

    Stagnant Art

    Hey my brother, this is probably off Target with your current conversation, but have you ever been to the art museum at the passion play in eureka springs, Arkansas?! I realize your speaking of different art forms, but was Just wondering??