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  1. MilkNHoney

    The Value of the Old Testament Today

    The Value of the Old Testament Today What value do the teachings of the Old Law have today? Are they binding as law? Do they benefit us as evidence for our faith, history, and understanding of the nature of God and of man? Are there principles that are unchanging under both Old and New...
  2. MilkNHoney


    THE TWENTY-THIRD (FORD) PSALM The Ford is my auto, I shall not want another. It maketh me to lie beneath it. It soureth my soul. It leadeth me in the paths of ridicule for its name sake. Yea, though I ride through the valleys, I am towed up the hills. And I fear...
  3. MilkNHoney

    Jesus attitude to sexual sinners.

    Jesus attitude to sexual sinners. The Pit... A homosexual fell into a pit and couldn't get himself out. A pharisaic fundamentalist came along and said, "You deserve your pit." A psychologist came along and said, "Accept your pit. That way you'll be happy." An apostate liberal came along and...
  4. MilkNHoney

    Something To THink About...

    HOLY BIBLE vs CELL PHONE Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? :eek: What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it...
  5. MilkNHoney

    Urgent Prayer Request for Service Dog

    Urgent Prayer Request for Service Dog Proverbs 12:10 “A righteous man regards the life of his animal, But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel”. Hello everyone. I’m new here and have need of Help! I have an Urgent Prayer Request for my new Service Dog. Let me please tell you...
  6. MilkNHoney


    Much to be Thankfor for... I have decided to go SomeWheRe tomorrow, rather than sit at home alone on Independence Day. It's certainly better than feeling lonely all alone, and sorry for myself! I'm taking my little Companion Doggie to watch the 4th of July Parade in the morning. When...
  7. MilkNHoney


    sha-LOM, Peace everyone. :) Praying for God's peace for you all. God bless!