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  1. Budman

    Not By Works

    What sins are "accidental" that God winks at?
  2. Budman

    Not By Works

  3. Budman

    Not By Works

    Then stop your hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc., sinning. If you only committed 10 sins a day (low estimate, considering our thoughts, words, and deeds) that's 70 sins a week, 280 sins a month, 3360 sins a year, 16,800 sins in 5 years, and 33,600 sins a decade. If you have a...
  4. Budman

    Not By Works

    Then stop your constant sinning.
  5. Budman

    Not By Works

    Then stop sinning.
  6. Budman

    Not By Works

    Then stop sinning.
  7. Budman

    Not By Works

    "For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not." (Romans 7:18) Jesus: "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.” (John 8:34) "Whosoever abides in him sins...
  8. Budman

    Not By Works

    Two Natures
  9. Budman

    Not By Works

    Boy, you talk about me a lot when I'm not here. Am I in your head? :eek:
  10. Budman

    Not By Works

    Sure we can walk in the Spirit. But as far as sinning goes: Yep - constantly. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Either by thought, word, or deed. And you know it.
  11. Budman

    Not By Works

    Yeah, that guy who calls people "sharks" and says folks are "half blind or have a serious reading comprehension" when he shouts at them. Oh wait...that would be you.
  12. Budman

    Not By Works

    Yet again, Paul certainly said he was in Romans 7. Now you be sure to let us all know the moment you've stopped sinning daily. Oh, and stop talking about me when I'm not here! (Which was your complaint in the other thread) :ROFL:
  13. Budman

    Not By Works

    You want me to comment on every single word you write as if they're all theological gems, when in fact it's usually just the same drivel you've posted a hundred times before that's been addressed a thousand times before. You yourself don't answer every single line of posts. So get over yourself.
  14. Budman

    Not By Works

    Then stop sinning. ;)
  15. Budman

    Not By Works

    That would include everyone here because you pretty much do it to everyone. And you always do it when you're losing a debate - which is often.
  16. Budman

    Not By Works

    Which is what I've been saying all along about all sin being a choice. Thanks for the confirmation.
  17. Budman

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    Translation: "He started replying to my accusations and kept cornering me, and I don't like that!"
  18. Budman

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    Public forum, Dude. If you want a private conversation, you can always message someone. You don't make the rules as to who can respond to what here. Oh, I'm sorry. How about I give you my phone number and you can call me when you're online so I'll only reply to your posts when you're present...
  19. Budman

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    You add conditions to the gospel. You advocate once must walk in obedience to actually be saved. Sin is transgression of the Law - and you continually harp on about "practicing" sin is a sign one is not saved. There are no conditions to the free gift. Again, God will chastise a wandering child...
  20. Budman

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    Yet again, Romans 7:14-25. Paul describes both natures and the war between them. And 1 John 3:9 talks of the New Nature in Christ that does not sin nor can sin. And in regard to not being able to stop sinning, name one person who has ever accomplished this.