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  1. tanakh

    News to me, JWs a Christian denomination!

    I do know something about the JWs When I was in my early twenties and searching. I had a friend whose Mother belonged to the movement. He tried to convert me and I attended some meetings. Strangely it wasn't their teaching that put me off but his own Father! He warned me against having...
  2. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    According to some going near a decorated Christmas Tree might do the trick
  3. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    If all matter was concentrated infinitely where did it disperse to? That is assuming that you use the common understanding of the word infinite to mean something unending. Anyway we can go round in circles with this so I am ending it here.
  4. tanakh

    Question for the saints.

    Whoever placed him in the tomb may have dressed the body.
  5. tanakh

    Christmas tree -- vestige from Babylonian worship

    If we follow the view regarding Christmas Trees as some regard them then what other practices do we have to stop participating in? There are Pagan beliefs associating the deaths of certain Gods and Heroes dying and rising from the dead. Does that mean we should stop celebrating Christs...
  6. tanakh

    Speak Your Mind.

    Yes in many respects I am as thick as two planks. I do not need to be educated to know that. It took me a struggle to find Ephesians 4:10 -12 due to my alleged ignorance but on finding and reading it a feeble light bulb flashed and settled on a single word in the passage. That word was GAVE in...
  7. tanakh

    If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

    And God said Let us make make man in our own image after our likeness. Genesis 1 vs 26 KJV And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. Genesis 2 vs 7 KJV In the beginning was the Word and the Word...
  8. tanakh

    There Was No Room At The Inn ? Was This God's Will ?

    Thanks for that info! I can rest easy tonight now :)
  9. tanakh

    There Was No Room At The Inn ? Was This God's Will ?

    There is a passage in pre Christian literature that has King Solomon saying that he was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger but I'm not sure now where or when I saw it. If anyone knows where it comes from I would be interested to know.
  10. tanakh

    Speak Your Mind.

    All preachers tell you about God but none of them tell you how to speak to him in person. Everyone sets him/her self as a Pope. Who gave them their authority? Why listen to them? There is only one authority Christ in the Gospels and the Holy Spirit after his ascension. Everyone else is...
  11. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    They may not be relevant to you but they are relevant to those who believe that all truth is found in God. Here is a few questions for you to ponder If the Big Bang theory is correct what was it that went bang ? Where did the thing that went bang come from originally? Is this thing that went...
  12. tanakh

    The UN`s Beast Statue.

    Very interesting. From our point of view the Japanese appear to have got the timing wrong but God's timing is very different from ours. He knows the end from the beginning.
  13. tanakh

    The UN`s Beast Statue.

    Someone should tell the Chinese that they are jumping the gun! :)
  14. tanakh

    The UN`s Beast Statue.

    I did start a thread about this today (12/12) but didn't realise at the time that someone had already had put one up. I am still wondering whether this is an elaborate joke.
  15. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    It certainly is affecting some peoples brains. Taking text out of context doesn't help either. Should we do everything possible to prevent Armageddon and the second coming as well neither will be very peaceful. ''trouble'' is a huge understatement. I am attempting to warn people away from...
  16. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    I agree up to a point but we don't know how long it will be before Jesus returns. I believe that the world will and is experiencing a time prior to the Antichrist being revealed. Jesus listed the worlds conditions leading up to his second coming in Matthew 23 and 24. Nations rising against...
  17. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    '' What a great Christmas that was with everyone rejoicing that we now had peace and security'' For when they shall say Peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 3 KJV
  18. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    The full Preterist view was first promoted by a Jesuit theologian in order to counter claims that the Pope was the Antichrist by pushing all the bible prophecies surrounding the last days into the remote past. There is a partial Preterist view that supports this version but still maintains...
  19. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    The same applies
  20. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    I assume that the madman you refer to is Putin. I disagree Putin is not mad and the war would not be unnecessary. If one believes that God is in control of his universe and all truth comes from him you will know that nothing happens by chance. God has a plan for humanity and it will be...