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  1. L

    Out of curiosity... from Australia :)

    Trump is a good man,with faults like the rest of us. He is attacked more than any president I've ever seen,and it's a shame,because so much more can be accomplished when egos get pushed to the background. Jesus said,"A house divided against itself cannot stand" Trump mentions God,in a respectful...
  2. L

    Fear over predestination

    John 3:16,2 Peter 3:9,1 John 2:2,Galatians 1:4,the list goes on and on. Think about this;if God only "cherry picks" people that will be saved,why would anyone ever need to witness to someone else? What would be the point,if they're damned from birth? God is good,and always has been,and always...
  3. L


    Psalm 91 is God's medicine for you. He says no deadly plague shall come near your dwelling,and no diseases that hide in darkness (cancer,whatever)can come near you. The psalm starts with "saying" He is my refuge. When we speak His Word,it gives power to good in our lives. On the flip...
  4. L

    What should i do?

    Words to live by
  5. L

    What should i do?

    God is good,and He is not causing hardship on you,my friend. 1 Timothy 5:8 says that it's bad to not take care of your own. Did you know that God holds Himself to that as well? You are His,and He wants you to succeed. John 10:10 says the thief comes to steal,kill,and destroy. Jesus came to give...
  6. L

    When you pray, let youself be brought around by Jesus Christ instead of trying to “rape” Him. (27/11)

    We have already been given everything in Him to take care of every aspect of life. All we really need to do is believe the Word,and walk it out. You're either walking by what your natural senses are telling you,or you're walking by His Word,and those two are at enmity with one another. Praying...
  7. L

    Working on our singleness

    I liked the title and believe if more people worked on themselves,then they would be a much better spouse when that time comes. First and foremost is our relationship with God,as you spoke about. If we truly love Him and see others through His eyes,we'll be like 1 Corinthians 13 and die to self...