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    (POLL) What Is Christmas?

    What is Christmas?
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    Which Person Is Living More Of A Godly Lifestyle?

    Yes. I don't disagree with that. We two or more gather anytime anywhere, we are the church. When people think they have to "go to church," they honestly many times don't understand they can meet anywhere for Church. The building doesn't make it Church, it's you being together as one in Christ...
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    Need help, wife has lost interest

    Do you mean that as if they are good or bad messages? just curious
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    How should I view this with my family?

    I think about that verse a lot. It really helps guide me in life.
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    How should I view this with my family?

    Everyone needs prayer all the time in this world, if they say they don't, it's likely they need it more than they know or the rest of us need it. So yes. We always have things to grow in where we need the Lord's help.
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    Which Person Is Living More Of A Godly Lifestyle?

    No, that's not why I use "chapel." when you look up the definition of chapel, it refers to a building where Christians meet or worship. Church can in some definition be seen that way, but it also means the Body of Christ. As I read throughout scripture, people didn't worship and pray together...
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    Is It Fair or Unfair?

    Both siblings are very kind, and the siblings have never had a personal issue between each other. Yet, I think that is because they were never much around each other. It's something with the parents that brings the violence and negativity into the family, not the children. I don't know their...
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    Is It Fair or Unfair?

    Well, I ask based on a true story that I know has happened to my family and someone else's. But their family has a different reason than mine does. Their family wants to keep their baby away from drug addicts who do illegal drugs and fight physically a lot leaving black eyes and such. they are...
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    Hey, new on here

    All is forgiven, just a misunderstanding that comes here a lot. Many times over the passed 4 years I feel like around many ppl I feel like leaving this site, but then I remember how helpful and nice it is with those kind and understanding people of the Lord that keeps me coming back.
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    Major pain right now!

    Thank you all. It was a few dreadful hours, normally my other removed teeth were never that bad. But now the pain has lightened greatly and the bleeding has seemed to either stop or become very light. I'm very thankful to the Lord for your prayers and that I was born into a country with many...
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    Major pain right now!

    I've gotten all the doctors help I can get. I just had a tooth removed and I've been in pain for2 hours now than I have in years. The bleeding isn't stopping but surely it will. Physical pain isn't more important but I can't do anything at all but dwell and suffer in this pain while it lasts...
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    Do you believe in a soulmate? POLL

    In those verses alone that I gave you do you not see that it repeats that Christ, the lamb, the maker God, has a bride? That it says he is getting married he has a bride that has been waiting to be wet to him and the bride is ready to marry him? Do you debate that they are saying the Lord has a...
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    Do you believe in a soulmate? POLL

    What is the purpose of Christ having a bride he won't marry? You know, looking back at the first time you challenged me, it reminds me of Pharisees questioning Jesus, looking for a way to find him guilty of false teaching and blasphemy to arrest and kill him. Do you remember how he responded...
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    Do you believe in a soulmate? POLL

    Andwould you please tell me what I proclaimed that is false teaching? Even with the scripture I gave?
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    Do you believe in a soulmate? POLL

    You must have forgotten A LOT of things Jesus said and did. I gave you scriptures, I gave you an explanation. You said Jesus did that, but... Are you saying I didn't when I just did?
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    Do you believe in a soulmate? POLL

    You just claimed you knew SO MUCH that it's just odd I needed to explain something very basic about scripture that is widely known and popular in the world about Jesus. If he is your Savior and you understand spirituality so well, I just can't logically see why you don't know this already when...
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    Do you believe in a soulmate? POLL

    I didnt think you were arguing. I didnt think you were angry. You kept begging for biblical proof. I don't see why you would want me to post it unless you were debating that what I said want true. I wasn't "running my mouth"i was only explaining to make sense and typing the verses you asked for...
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    Need help, wife has lost interest

    This guy hasn't been here since Halloween. I wonder how things are going or if he'll be back because I don't think he read any of the answers people left here. He was new and only posted this the last day he was seen. May the Lord save their marriage, I know that's what Christ would want.
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    Need help, wife has lost interest

    What you are advising goes against the will of God. If this man is to divorce her, he won't be guilty of fornication, but God never wants a Divorcement for any reason, still if she is alive then neither of them are to marry anyone. Whoever married her then will commit sin and whoever he married...
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    Is It Fair or Unfair?

    Let's say you grew up with your mother and father keeping your younger sister from ever being around you. Though you all lived in the same household your entire childhood, your parents always forced you and your sister to stay away from each other. To be sure of it they separated you on opposite...