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  1. Lynx

    Help with a variety of good Christian music

    Uh... Black pop?
  2. Lynx

    The earth is how old?

    ME: Lord, a lot of people keep arguing back and forth about this. How old is the Earth really? GOD: *sigh... You still haven't got the part about loving your neighbor down. I think you have better things to worry about.
  3. Lynx

    What Are Some of the Strangest Things You've Misplaced/Places Where You Accidentally Put Them?

    Look on the bright side. At least it didn't unlock the door. If it had worked, you would REALLY have cause to worry!
  4. Lynx

    Inquiring Minds Need to Know: Is a Taco a Sandwich??!!

    If loaded nachos are taco sliders... That means... Hmm... If I put croutons in a salad, it makes it a salad sandwich? Yeah, that works for me.
  5. Lynx

    What Are the Things That Make Your Palms Sweat?

    Sweeeeeeeet... water! Love those guys. Can you technically afford it? You said you don't really want to spend the money right now, but can you stretch and get it anyway?
  6. Lynx

    What Chores and Tasks Do You Dread Most? (And May Even Try to Push Onto Other People...)

    So I looked up what kind of fabric socks are made of. I didn't get a conclusive answer. Nothing like gabardine or Tweed or twill... Then I looked up shirts made out of socks to see if anybody has used sock material to make a shirt... !!! O.o Do not ever, ever, ever look that up! Apparently...
  7. Lynx

    What Chores and Tasks Do You Dread Most? (And May Even Try to Push Onto Other People...)

    Yeah, that. My socks always get a hole in the heel.
  8. Lynx

    What Chores and Tasks Do You Dread Most? (And May Even Try to Push Onto Other People...)

    Ever get a hole in your sock? There's a reason socks are always hidden from view by pants and shoes. Imagine getting a hole in a much more critical area!
  9. Lynx

    create an FAQ for newbies, please.
  10. Lynx

    create an FAQ for newbies, please.