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  1. MrH59

    Gods will

    Our church goes to a homeless mission and serves a meal. After the meal we go to their chapel and have a worship service. Either the preacher or someone else will deliver a message. I would love to be the one to speak. I’m no public speaker and I trust God would take care of all that. My prayer...
  2. MrH59

    I deliberately sinned today

    If you leave this position try the best you can to make sure it’s GODs will. He may have you where your at to be a light. You may be there to be a witness to someone. Look for opportunities, it may just be a word “ God bless you “ or something small that can make a big difference in someone’s...
  3. MrH59

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Why do we drive on a parkway and park on driveway?🤷‍♂️
  4. MrH59

    For By Grace You Have Been Saved By Faith And Not Of Yourselves ( Eph.2 )

    I’m curious, I have a strong desire for bible study. What is the importance of the word “that “ in this verse. I love to understand the Bible more.
  5. MrH59


    Dear annaizabel, our walk with Jesus includes going through valleys as well as mountain tops. It’s in the valley that most feel closer to Him. Rejoice in knowing that he will never leave nor forsake you. There is nothing on earth that can compare to our reward in heaven. I pray that God will...
  6. MrH59


    Dear Biblestudent. Do you think if David had saw Bathsheba and admired her beauty, even as she was bathing. He looked and saw her beauty then went back inside and had lunch. Do you think the fact that he looked at her and appreciated her form. Was this still a sin.
  7. MrH59

    Lust or attraction

    This is very informative and scriptural. Definitely something to meditate on and pray about. Thank you for sharing.
  8. MrH59

    Lust or attraction

    I agree, I think my words may have been misleading. Maybe you can look at someone as a beautiful rose,pleasing to the eye. Not like a cold glass of water on a hot day. Thank you for your opinion.
  9. MrH59

    Lust or attraction

    This a discussion I would like to have the opinion of my fellow believers. I’ve been studying about the difference between lust and attraction. Weather you make or female, just trying to be honest here. If you look at someone and you are thinking what I would like to do to them or have them do...
  10. MrH59


    I pray for you! I struggled most of my life with this same problem. I gave my heart to God, except I couldn’t give up this sinful nature to look at porn. No matter how many times I tried to make myself give it up it would always find its way back into my life. I tried justifying and...
  11. MrH59

    For God Did Not Appoint Us To Suffer Wrath ( 1Thes.5 )

    Amen, God has given each of us a spiritual gift to use to glorify Him. But to be the Good Samaritan, to love one another and to go and make disciples are not gifts but commands from Christ Jesus our lord. Being a Christian isn’t complicated but “sin complicates “.
  12. MrH59

    GODS will

    Gods will isn’t always clear to us because He values our being transformed more than us being informed. He sends his Spirit to live in us and teach us to make wise and Godly decisions
  13. MrH59

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    AMEN. I agree, I am happy to be doing GODs will here while I wait. I think we should live every day just as if Jesus was coming today. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your loved ones. Sleep well my friend and don’t worry about waking up. What is the worst that could happen. You could wake...
  14. MrH59

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    What do you think would happen if you didn’t wake up? Do you think you might wake up somewhere else?
  15. MrH59

    FAVORITE QUOTES A-Z - from the Bible and/or from Christians

    iI- “There is no one who is insignificant the purpose of God.” –Alistair Begg
  16. MrH59

    FAVORITE QUOTES A-Z - from the Bible and/or from Christians

    “The greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm.” –Matt Chandler
  17. MrH59

    New here from DFW

    Hi Brianb6885, Welcome to CC. I don’t think it’s by accident you found this site. Either your looking for something in your life or GOD is trying to show you something. I pray that you will find a good church to fellowship and grow in Christ. Not a church that just makes you feel good but one...
  18. MrH59

    Hey. I’m new here!

    Hello lunaverse, welcome. I hope you find a blessing here. The testimony of people all over the world let’s me know GOD is real and I can know for sure I will be with him one day. We have prayer warriors and prayer whimps. I look forward to sharing and being encouraged with you. GOD bless you
  19. MrH59


    Welcome Marie83😊. It’s a pleasure to greet you. I think you will like it here. I know it’s been a blessing in my life. It’s amazing to see how big our GOD is. I’ve got friends from Australia all the way to Canada. I look forward to seeing you around. GOD bless you
  20. MrH59

    Say something Random

    Life is like a ladder. It would be a shame to just sit at the bottom and not climb. But worse would be to find out you have it leaned against the wrong wall. o_O