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  • God Bless you for enlightening me dino246.
    I want to thank you for these words you said in the forums: "As for women "having a say", the only statement hinting they shouldn't is in 1 Corinthians 14, which is very likely a quotation from a letter sent to Paul, not his own words." I still remember the first time I read this (although I've forgotten the source now) and it seems so obvious in retrospect! <3
    The beginning of the birth pains are just that the beginning. In Matthew 24, Mark 13 are just that wars and rummers of wars. There have been wars since the beginning of this earth age. They are going to keep happing until Satan comes and heals the deadly wound.
    Do not lobby for your interpretation on my personal page. If you have a comment regarding my posts in a certain thread, put it there.
    Hi I’m new
    Hi Alyd20... welcome to CC! :)
    Thanks I can’t wait to see you and meet you in heaven
    Hi Dino246. Just want to say I really appreciate your input over on the women pastors thread. I tend to waffle but you really get straight to the point, which is a gift in itself. :) It is nice to hear others bring logic and sense in, it can be like swimming through shark infested waters when I dare to dip my toes in the waters and contribute. It's good to hear the other views, but great when someone hears yours too!
    Hi am Barki can u contact me through this email
    blessingamen77@gmail.com am heci's friend
    Bless u
    Hello, i hope this doesn't seem weird i'm in support of the match making on this forum.. kindly write me by mail if you're interested in getting to know eachother torriemakaayATgmail.
    You sent this copy/paste request to multiple people, including married people and females.

    You included an email address, but tried to hide it by not using the @ symbol.

    You only want to talk to people off site.

    You have a fake pic up that's been used numerous times, with different names and ages.

    Clearly you are a fake.
    Looking good Dino :)
    This is Amos from Nigeria, West Africa. I wish to be your friend. I am 57 years old man. I saw your profile on www.Christian chat.com and interested. I am God fearing, honest, humble with sense of humour. I am a committed christian. I have full commitment for friendship. I am Asst. Chief Executive Officer in the Federal Government Establishment here in Nigeria. My hobbies are: writing, making friends, travelling etc. My weight is 75Kg while my height is 1.80cm respectively. I hope that we can be friends. If you are interested, please write back so that we can begin to share more about ourselves in the next mail or if you are on WhatsApp? Please send me your number so that we can chat. Thanks and God bless you.

    Email: amos.oluoduntan33@gmail.com
    WhatsApp: +2348128263995
    My dear friend...I would love to sleep. For some reason I am steady to toss and turn...
    Hi ya Dino! How are ya?
    Thank you so much, Dino. I greatly appreciate it, more than you know. :) God's blessings to you, and thank you for being such a caring, supportive person.
    does this make any sense at all to you?
    Hi nice to meet you!

    Love & Hugs!
    Bella xo :) <><<
    Just wanted to say hi and God Bless...hope you're well.
    Hi Dino! How's it going?
    Hey, what's your take on dispensation? It makes perfect sense to me except my understanding is that with dispensationalists believe tongues has already ceased, which I know is not the case.
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