"Let us pray to know 'Blessed are they that hunger and thrist after
righteousness, for they shall be filled'. For only in the fullness of faith
can the heartsick and the weary be satisfied, healed and rested.
Let us pray to know the wonderful spiritual revelations to be found
by those who are striving to live the spiritual life. For those who walk
with God in spirit shall discover a renewed life, here in the now."
'Praise God'
righteousness, for they shall be filled'. For only in the fullness of faith
can the heartsick and the weary be satisfied, healed and rested.
Let us pray to know the wonderful spiritual revelations to be found
by those who are striving to live the spiritual life. For those who walk
with God in spirit shall discover a renewed life, here in the now."
'Praise God'

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