Prayer for God to get rid of demons permanently

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New member
Dec 1, 2021
God returned my prayer and answered, telling me what I had done wrong to somehow deserve demonic attachment.

The “sin” I committed wasn’t really that bad: No one was victimized, and the so-called misdeed pales in comparison to actual sins like stealing money, adultery, killing people, etc. I don’t want to say what it was, but trust me, it wasn’t bad.

Consider this: If a driver of a car goes six miles over the speed limit, it is technically a crime—but does it make sense to punish him for it with a lengthy, decade-long prison sentence? That is too harsh and not a proportionate punishment relative to the insignificance of his crime. The most he should be penalized with is a speeding ticket, and most cops won’t write a ticket for six miles over the limit unless the municipality is desperate for money.

Sunday night is when the demons returned. Yet on that day I tried really hard to be good and not sin to the best of my ability. I had gone to church and heard a sermon about hope, but God made me feel hopeless by allowing (not causing) demons to attach onto me as a consequence of a miniscule imperfection, leaving me to suffer and causing my life to spiral out of control once again.

How on earth is it possible for God to find fault in me for something so insignificant when I spent >99.9% of the day being perfect, trying hard to do all the right things?

Being a Christian is truly a painful experience for me. My life will be ruined if God doesn’t quit his fault-finding behavior.

I am a Christian who has been born again. I know what the Bible says: Jesus died for imperfect people, relieving us of the taint of our sins and ensuring our salvation through faith in him. Why then would God be such a fault-finder towards me? Why would he hold such a terrible grudge against me for committing a miniscule sin? I was perfect for most of the day, being only imperfect just one time (and it wasn’t really bad), but none of this matters to God: Only the fact that I made one tiny mistake. How could God possibly treat me so poorly because of insignificant faults when my faith in Christ was supposed to cancel that out?

The demons have been engaging in their usual atrocious conduct against me since Sunday night. I’ve already described the terror they cause in lucid detail, so I don’t feel the need to reiterate. But really, it’s making my life spiral out of control again, as usual. And none of this would have happened had God not been such a fault-finder for one tiny little “sin”!

God seems to have said sorry when the demons came back Sunday night. But how sorry is he? Apologizing for something like this would imply remorse and have the tacit assumption that he wouldn’t do it again (specifically the fault-finding over one small imperfection that resulted in all this despite the fact that I tried so hard to do what God requires). However, it is difficult to see God changing: He won’t stop finding fault in me for little things that don’t matter.

I can’t live the rest of my life walking on eggshells. My experiences show that even when I try my best to be perfect, it’s rare that God will get rid of the demons because I will have done something that he doesn’t like. Often that “mistake” isn’t so bad, and no one was victimized. What happened to Jesus’ power of forgiveness for imperfect people? Why on earth would God allow me to be terrorized by demons when I fail to live up to his impossibly high standards?

1 John 3:4 ESV
Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.
James 4:17 ESV
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
Galatians 5:19-21 ESV
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 John 5:17 ESV
All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death.

Hebrews 10:26-31

English Standard Version

26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2013
Father i pray that this person come to realize what is really actually going on, amen
Nov 9, 2021
It’s 2:30 in the morning, and I can’t sleep because the demons are assaulting me whenever I try to fall asleep.

I prayed to God and pleaded with him to make the assaults stop and explained to him that it wouldn’t be possible to go to church in the morning, since I would be insufferably tired from the sleep deprivation caused by demons. But the assaulted continued unabated, which means God told me no.

How is it possible for the Bible to say God is love, yet he won’t stop demons from attacking a Christian who wants to sleep so that he can attend church when he wakes up?

While I had been praying, the demons did something to my brain so I couldn’t focus, and I was subsequently shut out of prayer. Does God not want to hear from me? How could God let this happen?

Now I’m going to be kept awake all night and require sleep during the day, so the demons are going to go to parallel dimensions and murder others who have nothing whatsoever to do with me on this dimension. Horrific acts of evil and tragedy are going to be carried out later, and none of it would have happened had God answered my prayers.

Because God allowed the demons to shut me out of prayer earlier as I tried to pray, it appears God doesn’t value anything I say. So I would like everyone to please pray for me and ask God something…

Please pray to God and tell him to get rid of the demons later today when I try to sleep. Explain to him that if he fails to do anything about it, horrible tragedy and acts of evil will ensue, so please have sympathy for those victims even though they aren’t saved yet. Everyone has a chance of getting saved later in life, and for many people enlightenment may not come until a later age, so why not have compassion for murder victims who could become Christians?

God tells me I have to go without sinning for him to get rid of the demons, and apparently his standards for what constitutes a sin are so strict that it is practically impossible for me or anyone else to adhere to such a rigid code of conduct. It’s rare for me to be able to go an entire day without sinning. The last time it happened was when I was bed-ridden and spent the whole day in bed. In other words, the only reason why I was perfect that day is because I couldn’t commit any sins, since I was asleep for most of the day.

In fact, God’s standards for what constitutes a sin are so strict that he told me drinking a glass of wine is sinful, and when I do that he lets demons torment me as a consequence. Given that Jesus drank wine during the Last Supper and also turned water into wine, it is clear that the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. But God finds fault in me for drinking a little bit of wine and lets horrible things happen to me with demons anyway!

I have asked God many times to tell me why on earth does the Bible approve of drinking in moderation if he thinks it is such an atrocious sin, but I’ve never received an answer from him. He continually diverts the subject and basically says something like this: “Drinking alcohol in moderation is such an atrocious sin because a very small percentage of people who drink will kill others in car accidents. Therefore no one can be allowed to drink responsibly and in moderation, even if they don’t drink and drive or kill anyone.”

What nonsense. This logic isn’t any different than people with left-wing views who want to ban guns: They think that because a small percentage of people use guns irresponsibly and kill others in school shootings that all guns must be banned. This is very unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who don’t commit crime with guns; and by the same token, wanting to bring back Prohibition because a few people drink irresponsibly and kill others in drunk driving accidents is very unfair to all the people who just want to have a glass of wine.

I keep pointing out these obvious facts to God, explaining why his logic is extremely unfair. Then I return to my original question and ask him for an answer: If drinking alcohol is such an atrocious sin, why does the Bible approve of it? I would think that God, being all-powerful, would make sure the Bible didn’t contain scripture approving of moderate wine consumption if it’s something he really hates. He would also make sure that denominations like Catholicism and other various churches don’t drink wine during religious services during the ceremony where a small piece of bread and sip of wine are consumed by believers. Clearly things are not adding up, so I ask God about this—but no answer comes.

But enough of this. I really need people’s prayers. Please pray and ask God to get rid of the demons later when I try to sleep so that all those murders don’t happen. I’ll do what God wants and not sin—it will be possible this time because I’ll be bed-ridden the entire day—so he should answer, right?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2013
Couple thoughts here.

This person hasn’t listened to a single word anyone has said here, or Scripture.

He has a warped and twisted view of our Heavenly Father.

He is believing the demons and not God and Scripture.

The Bible never even hints at parallel universes of yourself. Again, he’s believing demons when they say they’re killing him in other dimensions.

He takes Chantix, a known drug that causes all sorts of mental problems.

Unfortunately, it appears he doesn’t know Christ at all. But something drew him here, so let’s give him the one true Gospel that he may be saved:

THE Gospel unto Salvation:
God wrapped Himself in human flesh in the form of His Son, Jesus the Messiah. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin. He suffered, was crucified, and died to pay OUR sin debt. He was raised to life from the grave to prove He had defeated death. If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that His Father resurrected Him to Life on the 3rd day, you WILL be saved. You will be filled, and sealed with the Holy Spirit, who will empower ALL to turn from their sins. The sin of adultery, lying, stealing, homosexuality, gossip, slander, drunkenness, covetousness, etc... And most importantly the sin of DEAD works, or a moral life in an attempt to EARN Salvation. He will also equip you to love like He did and do good works for HIS Glory.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2019
Goodranger... it is written in Joel and Rom that "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered". Do you believe God keeps His word? If God said it shall He not bring it to pass? We repent of our sins..we get up dust off keep going. If you do what HE said.. you shall be delivered.
Nov 9, 2021
Last night I didn’t fall asleep until about 4:00 in morning. A problem with sleep is bad, but it pales in comparison to what ensued right afterwards…

The demons made a sex dream to distract me. Since I was dreaming, my faculties weren’t fully aware of what was going on. Fortunately God woke me up from the dream, and I immediately turned around to witness something awful: The demons, ghost-like in appearance, were out of my body and injecting me with poison, trying to kill me.

If a living being looks at a spirit, demon or not, the spirit will die. Their death from human eyes is permanent, and it happens right away.

I was very glad that God woke me up in the nick of time and directed my vision to the demons who were attempting to kill me. They got exactly what they deserved.

I couldn’t stay awake any longer because I had been up since 4:00 in the morning, so next I placed my head on my pillow and immediately fell back asleep.

Again, the same thing happens…

The demons make a dream to distract me, but I can’t recall what it was. God then wakes me up in the nick of time, and I look at a ghastly demon who is just about to inject me with poison (he said it was cyanide). Then the demon promptly fades away into permanent non-existence, my eyes having killed it. Again, serves that monster right for trying to commit murder.

Normally I would say it is bewildering why anyone would want to commit murder without any provocation or reason. But with demons it isn’t. They are monstrous beings whose only purpose is to destroy. They are irrational and don’t think or operate like humans, so projecting even the slightest character of humanity onto them is an error.

I really appreciate that God helped me dodge a bullet here, having saved my life from infernal killers. But I wish God would just keep them off me permanently so that I never have to suffer through such a horrific experience again (these horrific experiences seem to happen regularly).

Apparently there are requirements that God wants me to fulfill, then he says he will keep the demons off of me. Yeah, it may not seem entirely fair. But I’ll try not to dwell on how on that and instead see the glass as half-full instead of half-empty: Maybe in the long run God believes these standards/plan will help me.

So what are the requirements?

First requirement: No drinking

This seems unfair because the Bible approves of drinking wine. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine and also drank wine during the Last Supper. 1 Timothy 5:23 even encourages drinking a little bit here in there, I think.

But if this is what God requires, fine. I’ll go without drinking for as long as I can.

Second requirement: No tobacco

I’ve had a nicotine addiction for years now, and I’ve been wanting to quit for a very long time. Unfortunately the head pain from withdrawal is atrocious and intolerable. The transdermal nicotine patches don’t work for me, and I think the reason for this is due to the fact that I was a heavy user: I used to dip a can of long-cut every day, which is equal to about 4 to 5 packs of cigarettes of nicotine content, though now I’m making my can last at least three days.

I have some nicotine lozenges, and they seem to help keep me off it. I need to be careful, though, because it’s easy to consume those things like candy.

The good news: I should be able to get some detox medicine for nicotine quit next month, no later than two weeks after the start of January. In the past I stayed off nicotine for extended periods of time when I had detox medicine to get me through the head pain.

Third requirement: Good conduct in general

This is easy. Basically, I can’t act immorally by doing the wrong things like stealing, lying, cheating, etc. I won’t have a problem with this requirement.

Fourth requirement: Don’t misuse my prescription medicine

I seem to have an issue with misusing my prescription medicine. God wants me to stop because it can elevate my blood pressure and cause potentially severe medical problems. I believe I can full this requirement, and I’ll start by abstaining from these pills for at least two weeks, but preferably longer if I can.

That’s it.

I would like to request everyone’s prayers. Please pray to God and tell him I am ready to fulfill his requirements so that I can be permanently free from demons. Please pray and ask him to help me to follow his requirements to the best of my ability. This is something I want.

And one last thing…

There is a particular demon who I absolutely cannot tolerate. It is a monster in the truest sense of the definition. Perhaps the term monster is an understatement here, since this demon is truly depraved and violent. It’s a narcissist and fiend. I sincerely want this particular demon to go away at the soonest time possible, preferably by permanently ending it’s existence. Yeah, I messed up today and feel like I may not be worthy of getting this favor from God tonight—and indeed, it might not happen. But I’ll pray to God with this request tonight and hope for the best.


Ok here is what I want you to do. I’m going to copy and paste a prayer below. Very specific prayer for bedtime. I want you to pray this with your whole heart before bed every night for 2 weeks. If they come attack you You need to verbally tell them “in the name of my lord and savior Jesus Christ I command you out my body demon for my body is the temple of God and you have no place here” say loud and firm and commanding voice. I’d assume you have more than 1 so you may need to repeat this several times. Will be praying for you.

A Bedtime Prayer- John Eldridge
April 24, 2013
My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, to be renewed in you, to take refuge in you. I honor you as my sovereign Lord, and I surrender every aspect of my life totally and completely to you. I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I cover myself with your blood, and I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in you, and lead this time of prayer.

I proclaim the kingdom of God and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ over my home and all things in it. [If you live in an apartment, use “apartment.” If you have only a room under your authority in someone else’s home, use “my room.” If you share a room, use “my bunk” or “my side of the room.”] I consecrate and sanctify my home and everything in it to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Kingdom of God. I bring the cross, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout my home tonight—through every object and furnishing, bed and bedding, all media and icons, all books and magazines, movies and music, toys and games, through the atmosphere in every room, throughout the ceilings, walls, floors, and all places in them, from the land beneath to the roof above and all around this home tonight.

I take my place in the cross, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. I now bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ against Satan and his kingdom. I bring the cross, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ against every foul and unclean spirit—every ruler, power, authority, and spiritual force of wickedness [you might need to get specific: “Including all spirits of fear, death, torment, accusation,” etc. You know what’s been attacking you. It has more power if you name them specifically.] I command every foul and unclean spirit bound and banished from my home and from my household, with every backup and replacement, every weapon and device, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in his name.

I now bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ—his cross, resurrection, and ascension—against every foul power, witchcraft, and black art. I cut them off in the name of the Lord. No weapon forged against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). I bring the cross and blood of Jesus Christ against every form of hex, vex, and incantation; against every spell, ritual, vow, dedication, and sacrifice; against every word, judgment, and curse. I command them broken and bound from my home this night in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I now bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ between me and all people—their spirit, soul, and body, their sin, warfare, and corruption. [It may help to name those people now—extended family, folks you have been ministering to, anyone you know is judging you.] I send every human spirit bound back to their body; I command all of their sin, warfare, and corruption bound back to the work of Christ in their life, and I forbid it to transfer to me.

I summon the angels of the Lord Jesus Christ and instruct them to build a shield of protection around me and my home (Hebrews 1:14). I ask your Holy Spirit to fill my home with your presence, with the peace of God and the love of Christ. I ask you to send forth your Spirit to raise up prayer and intercession for me this night. I now call forth and command the Kingdom of God and the authority, rule, and dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout my home and throughout my household, all through the hours of this night and through the new day, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in his name.


Ok here is what I want you to do. I’m going to copy and paste a prayer below. Very specific prayer for bedtime. I want you to pray this with your whole heart before bed every night for 2 weeks. If they come attack you You need to verbally tell them “in the name of my lord and savior Jesus Christ I command you out my body demon for my body is the temple of God and you have no place here” say loud and firm and commanding voice. I’d assume you have more than 1 so you may need to repeat this several times. Will be praying for you.

A Bedtime Prayer- John Eldridge
April 24, 2013
My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, to be renewed in you, to take refuge in you. I honor you as my sovereign Lord, and I surrender every aspect of my life totally and completely to you. I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I cover myself with your blood, and I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in you, and lead this time of prayer.

I proclaim the kingdom of God and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ over my home and all things in it. [If you live in an apartment, use “apartment.” If you have only a room under your authority in someone else’s home, use “my room.” If you share a room, use “my bunk” or “my side of the room.”] I consecrate and sanctify my home and everything in it to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Kingdom of God. I bring the cross, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout my home tonight—through every object and furnishing, bed and bedding, all media and icons, all books and magazines, movies and music, toys and games, through the atmosphere in every room, throughout the ceilings, walls, floors, and all places in them, from the land beneath to the roof above and all around this home tonight.

I take my place in the cross, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. I now bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ against Satan and his kingdom. I bring the cross, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ against every foul and unclean spirit—every ruler, power, authority, and spiritual force of wickedness [you might need to get specific: “Including all spirits of fear, death, torment, accusation,” etc. You know what’s been attacking you. It has more power if you name them specifically.] I command every foul and unclean spirit bound and banished from my home and from my household, with every backup and replacement, every weapon and device, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in his name.

I now bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ—his cross, resurrection, and ascension—against every foul power, witchcraft, and black art. I cut them off in the name of the Lord. No weapon forged against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). I bring the cross and blood of Jesus Christ against every form of hex, vex, and incantation; against every spell, ritual, vow, dedication, and sacrifice; against every word, judgment, and curse. I command them broken and bound from my home this night in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I now bring the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fullness of the work of Christ between me and all people—their spirit, soul, and body, their sin, warfare, and corruption. [It may help to name those people now—extended family, folks you have been ministering to, anyone you know is judging you.] I send every human spirit bound back to their body; I command all of their sin, warfare, and corruption bound back to the work of Christ in their life, and I forbid it to transfer to me.

I summon the angels of the Lord Jesus Christ and instruct them to build a shield of protection around me and my home (Hebrews 1:14). I ask your Holy Spirit to fill my home with your presence, with the peace of God and the love of Christ. I ask you to send forth your Spirit to raise up prayer and intercession for me this night. I now call forth and command the Kingdom of God and the authority, rule, and dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout my home and throughout my household, all through the hours of this night and through the new day, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in his name.
another thought as I went through the day is I’d add that Demonic spirits torment you but they most likely cannot read your mind or your inner thoughts. They invade your thoughts but cannot read your thoughts or perceive what you are thinking or praying internally . So Whatever you pray especially this bedtime prayer you need to vocalize it with a firm and authoritative voice and see how that works out.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
Couple thoughts here.

This person hasn’t listened to a single word anyone has said here, or Scripture.

He has a warped and twisted view of our Heavenly Father.

He is believing the demons and not God and Scripture.

The Bible never even hints at parallel universes of yourself. Again, he’s believing demons when they say they’re killing him in other dimensions.

He takes Chantix, a known drug that causes all sorts of mental problems.

Unfortunately, it appears he doesn’t know Christ at all. But something drew him here, so let’s give him the one true Gospel that he may be saved:

THE Gospel unto Salvation:
God wrapped Himself in human flesh in the form of His Son, Jesus the Messiah. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin. He suffered, was crucified, and died to pay OUR sin debt. He was raised to life from the grave to prove He had defeated death. If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that His Father resurrected Him to Life on the 3rd day, you WILL be saved. You will be filled, and sealed with the Holy Spirit, who will empower ALL to turn from their sins. The sin of adultery, lying, stealing, homosexuality, gossip, slander, drunkenness, covetousness, etc... And most importantly the sin of DEAD works, or a moral life in an attempt to EARN Salvation. He will also equip you to love like He did and do good works for HIS Glory.
Yes, that so many ignored the parallel universes and him being murdered in these parallel universes, multiple times a day, amazed me. That jumped out at me immediately and threw up red flags.


New member
Jun 10, 2021
GoodRanger, Yah allows everything to happen for a reason. Yah may wants you to minister to the spirits(not out loud but within yourself). Also, you must unite your suffering with that of the Messiah's. Count it a privilege to endure. For if they did not come up against you, how would you know that you are loved by the most high?
Jan 5, 2022
"A higher plane," hehe
Last night I didn’t fall asleep until about 4:00 in morning. A problem with sleep is bad, but it pales in comparison to what ensued right afterwards…

The demons made a sex dream to distract me. Since I was dreaming, my faculties weren’t fully aware of what was going on. Fortunately God woke me up from the dream, and I immediately turned around to witness something awful: The demons, ghost-like in appearance, were out of my body and injecting me with poison, trying to kill me.

If a living being looks at a spirit, demon or not, the spirit will die. Their death from human eyes is permanent, and it happens right away.

I was very glad that God woke me up in the nick of time and directed my vision to the demons who were attempting to kill me. They got exactly what they deserved.

I couldn’t stay awake any longer because I had been up since 4:00 in the morning, so next I placed my head on my pillow and immediately fell back asleep.

Again, the same thing happens…

The demons make a dream to distract me, but I can’t recall what it was. God then wakes me up in the nick of time, and I look at a ghastly demon who is just about to inject me with poison (he said it was cyanide). Then the demon promptly fades away into permanent non-existence, my eyes having killed it. Again, serves that monster right for trying to commit murder.

Normally I would say it is bewildering why anyone would want to commit murder without any provocation or reason. But with demons it isn’t. They are monstrous beings whose only purpose is to destroy. They are irrational and don’t think or operate like humans, so projecting even the slightest character of humanity onto them is an error.

I really appreciate that God helped me dodge a bullet here, having saved my life from infernal killers. But I wish God would just keep them off me permanently so that I never have to suffer through such a horrific experience again (these horrific experiences seem to happen regularly).

Apparently there are requirements that God wants me to fulfill, then he says he will keep the demons off of me. Yeah, it may not seem entirely fair. But I’ll try not to dwell on how on that and instead see the glass as half-full instead of half-empty: Maybe in the long run God believes these standards/plan will help me.

So what are the requirements?

First requirement: No drinking

This seems unfair because the Bible approves of drinking wine. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine and also drank wine during the Last Supper. 1 Timothy 5:23 even encourages drinking a little bit here in there, I think.

But if this is what God requires, fine. I’ll go without drinking for as long as I can.

Second requirement: No tobacco

I’ve had a nicotine addiction for years now, and I’ve been wanting to quit for a very long time. Unfortunately the head pain from withdrawal is atrocious and intolerable. The transdermal nicotine patches don’t work for me, and I think the reason for this is due to the fact that I was a heavy user: I used to dip a can of long-cut every day, which is equal to about 4 to 5 packs of cigarettes of nicotine content, though now I’m making my can last at least three days.

I have some nicotine lozenges, and they seem to help keep me off it. I need to be careful, though, because it’s easy to consume those things like candy.

The good news: I should be able to get some detox medicine for nicotine quit next month, no later than two weeks after the start of January. In the past I stayed off nicotine for extended periods of time when I had detox medicine to get me through the head pain.

Third requirement: Good conduct in general

This is easy. Basically, I can’t act immorally by doing the wrong things like stealing, lying, cheating, etc. I won’t have a problem with this requirement.

Fourth requirement: Don’t misuse my prescription medicine

I seem to have an issue with misusing my prescription medicine. God wants me to stop because it can elevate my blood pressure and cause potentially severe medical problems. I believe I can full this requirement, and I’ll start by abstaining from these pills for at least two weeks, but preferably longer if I can.

That’s it.

I would like to request everyone’s prayers. Please pray to God and tell him I am ready to fulfill his requirements so that I can be permanently free from demons. Please pray and ask him to help me to follow his requirements to the best of my ability. This is something I want.

And one last thing…

There is a particular demon who I absolutely cannot tolerate. It is a monster in the truest sense of the definition. Perhaps the term monster is an understatement here, since this demon is truly depraved and violent. It’s a narcissist and fiend. I sincerely want this particular demon to go away at the soonest time possible, preferably by permanently ending it’s existence. Yeah, I messed up today and feel like I may not be worthy of getting this favor from God tonight—and indeed, it might not happen. But I’ll pray to God with this request tonight and hope for the best.
The wages of sin is death.
There is none righteous, no not one.
All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment.

Friend, you are a sinner and there is nothing you can do about it. Perhaps this very night you will die in torment and stand before the judgment throne of God. He will find you guilty in your sins and the suffering you have endured in life will be nothing compared to the eternity of horror that awaits you. GOD MUST PUNISH YOU BECAUSE GOD IS A HOLY AND COMPLETELY PERFECT JUDGE. HE CANNOT TOLERATE ANY SIN.

If you think you can do good deeds to appease God, you are mistaken. Good deeds do not wash away crimes. Good deeds do not cover sins. Saying to God, "I have done enough good deeds to earn heaven, give it to me" is utter pride and arrogance... more sins against a holy God. You are lost, friend. You are already condemned. The voices telling you that you can earn salvation are more lies of demons. You are a dead man walking. The right penalty for your evil is death and eternal torment because you have sinned against an infinitely holy God.

But, herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

There is only one chance of any hope for you, friend, and it is not by any thing that you have done but by the mercy of God. God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, perfect and sinless, to become a human being, live a perfect life, and die a horrific death to take upon Himself the penalty of all your sins and wickedness. All who call upon the NAME of the LORD JESUS SHALL BE SAVED. Jesus' sacrifice of obedience pleased God and so God the Father has raised Him from the dead in triumph over death and sin and the eternal penalty for sin.

You cannot be good enough to save yourself. It is impossible.
There is no hope apart from Jesus Christ: "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE; NO MAN cometh unto the Father, BUT BY ME."

In 2016 I broke down in tears on a hospital bed after years of wickedness and rejection of God. I begged Jesus Christ to have mercy on me and save me from my sins. I gave Him everything in sheer desperation holding nothing back. Jesus Christ saved my soul IMMEDIATELY and I had INSTANTANEOUS PEACE.


May God watch over you and draw you unto salvation through Christ.

Friend, you are on the very edge of Hell. If I were you, I would read this post over and over again and beg God to help you to understand it and what you need to do.


Senior Member
May 3, 2018
I don't quite understand what you mean by the so-called parallel world. If you need to be responsible for your death in the parallel world, there is only one explanation. You need to learn to get along with demons, because you want these demons to stay away from you, so demons will murder another you in the parallel world? I can only understand that this way.

What do these demons often talk with you?


Senior Member
May 3, 2018
Are you sure you're talking to the real God?
Are you sure it's not the devil taking advantage of your physical weakness to stay away from God.
Nov 9, 2021
Today was supposed to be freedom day. I was supposed to wake up and feel happy for once knowing my 10+ years in a literal death camp was finally going to be over with.

But God ruined it!

I quit nicotine and other problems. Believe me, nicotine is an incredibly hard drug to quit. I was able to get a pill the makes me mellow and takes away the nicotine withdrawal pain, so I got through the first day. Before I went to bed, I decided to celebrate my freedom with a small alcoholic seltzer.

I go to sleep, and the demons continue to torment me, and God won’t tell me why!

He must hate me for drinking to seltzer and chose to ruin my life over something so insignificant, using his childish logic to justify ruining other people’s lives with unfair logic by telling them they can't drink a little bit.

Yet Jesus drank wine during the Last Supper and turned water into wine in the Gospels!

Since God held a grudge on me for doing everything he wanted yet refused to forgive me for having a little bit of alcohol, which the Bible approves of doing (as seen in the Gospels), I will likewise hold a hate grudge against him!

I was entitled to my freedom today, but God is making me spend another day here in the death camp over something that isn’t even wrong in the first place.

Because God is treating me this way, I’ll never forgive him until he tells me why the Gospels approve of drinking alcohol in moderation, as I did yesterday, but he thinks it is so sinful based on his childish, unfair logic. I demand an answer from him or else I will never go to church again. This is how upset God has made me with his unfair treatment.


Today was supposed to be freedom day. I was supposed to wake up and feel happy for once knowing my 10+ years in a literal death camp was finally going to be over with.

But God ruined it!

I quit nicotine and other problems. Believe me, nicotine is an incredibly hard drug to quit. I was able to get a pill the makes me mellow and takes away the nicotine withdrawal pain, so I got through the first day. Before I went to bed, I decided to celebrate my freedom with a small alcoholic seltzer.

I go to sleep, and the demons continue to torment me, and God won’t tell me why!

He must hate me for drinking to seltzer and chose to ruin my life over something so insignificant, using his childish logic to justify ruining other people’s lives with unfair logic by telling them they can't drink a little bit.

Yet Jesus drank wine during the Last Supper and turned water into wine in the Gospels!

Since God held a grudge on me for doing everything he wanted yet refused to forgive me for having a little bit of alcohol, which the Bible approves of doing (as seen in the Gospels), I will likewise hold a hate grudge against him!

I was entitled to my freedom today, but God is making me spend another day here in the death camp over something that isn’t even wrong in the first place.

Because God is treating me this way, I’ll never forgive him until he tells me why the Gospels approve of drinking alcohol in moderation, as I did yesterday, but he thinks it is so sinful based on his childish, unfair logic. I demand an answer from him or else I will never go to church again. This is how upset God has made me with his unfair treatment.
God is after your heart, spirit, soul, and the renewal of your mind. He will heal you IF you let him. You need to come to full surrender to Christ and die with him at the cross. Christianity isn’t a 12 step program…. Do xxx and you are saved. You have to believe at your very core in his goodness even when we don’t understand it in our finite minds. The with Christ life is full of ups and downs. The Christian walk on a graph will look like a chart of the stock market, with your experiences and external circumstances. You will have peaks and then almost immediately there will be a deep valley. It’s what you believe and stick to in the dark deep valley when God feels most distant that counts. I’d encourage you to read a book better yet there is a tv animated movie. It’s a 2019 animated film based on the book written by John Bunyan while he was in prison for practicing his faith. I think you need to get straight with what being a Christian is and what it means. It’s not a ticket to the easy life and the film or book called Pilgrims Progress may help initiate you correctly and clear up some misconceptions of the faith. Best wishes.


Today was supposed to be freedom day. I was supposed to wake up and feel happy for once knowing my 10+ years in a literal death camp was finally going to be over with.

But God ruined it!

I quit nicotine and other problems. Believe me, nicotine is an incredibly hard drug to quit. I was able to get a pill the makes me mellow and takes away the nicotine withdrawal pain, so I got through the first day. Before I went to bed, I decided to celebrate my freedom with a small alcoholic seltzer.

I go to sleep, and the demons continue to torment me, and God won’t tell me why!

He must hate me for drinking to seltzer and chose to ruin my life over something so insignificant, using his childish logic to justify ruining other people’s lives with unfair logic by telling them they can't drink a little bit.

Yet Jesus drank wine during the Last Supper and turned water into wine in the Gospels!

Since God held a grudge on me for doing everything he wanted yet refused to forgive me for having a little bit of alcohol, which the Bible approves of doing (as seen in the Gospels), I will likewise hold a hate grudge against him!

I was entitled to my freedom today, but God is making me spend another day here in the death camp over something that isn’t even wrong in the first place.

Because God is treating me this way, I’ll never forgive him until he tells me why the Gospels approve of drinking alcohol in moderation, as I did yesterday, but he thinks it is so sinful based on his childish, unfair logic. I demand an answer from him or else I will never go to church again. This is how upset God has made me with his unfair treatment.

My advice is to go and see professional help. Your problem isn't demons nor God. I would hate to see you hurt yourself or someone else. Please, seek help.


My advice is to go and see professional help. Your problem isn't demons nor God. I would hate to see you hurt yourself or someone else. Please, seek help.
I’d also agree to this . Go and seek a mental health counselor. You could be having chemical imbalances in your brain and it’s screwing with your thoughts and emotions.


Aug 29, 2021
My life is ruined. Everything would immediately return to normal if my prayers would seem to matter, but unfortunately God hasn’t given me what I wanted; and my request is humane and not unreasonable. I continually pray and ask him to make the horrific torment and abuse permanently end, but God hasn’t done anything to put a permanent end to it. The terror I go through has been happening for years now, day and night every day, and no end seems to be in sight.

What torment and abuse am I speaking about? It’s a hard subject to talk about, namely because not many people believe me and instead think I’m crazy, which isn’t true: My experiences are real, and I am a perfectly rational person. Among the Christians who believe me, some of them will tell me that I must get born again to make the torture stop. But their advice is unhelpful because I’ve been born again for almost two decades now.

So here is what I’ve been going through:

I have demons attached to my body, and they make my life a literal living hell. They routinely assault me, deprive me of sleep, molest me during the night, and kill my unsaved parallel self on parallel dimensions. In fact, not a day goes by where these things don’t happen. The assaults and murders typically happen many times each day, and I can’t stand it.

When I try to sleep at night each night, the demons will tear at my eyes. It hurts. In fact, it’s so bad that I’ve had to undergo laser surgery to repair a tear they made in my retina, and another surgery might be needed because the attacks continue night after night unabated with more damage accumulated. Each night I beg God to make the eye attacks stop, but my prayers get ignored and the eye attacks continue until around 11:00 pm to midnight, at which point I finally fall asleep. Other types of assaults happen throughout the day: The demons will brutally shock my arm for no apparent reason, and it hurts. God won’t do anything to prevent these assaults from happening, no matter how much I pray to him.

The demons keep me awake at night with the endless attacks on my eyes, but it doesn’t stop there: They wake me up in the early morning hours at around 4:00 in the morning each morning. I try to go back to sleep because I’m tired, but they shock my jaw or face or some other area right before I fall back to sleep, so I can’t return to sleep, leaving me tired throughout the day. And did I mention they molest me in my sleep when I am sleeping? I’m powerless to do anything to defend myself, and apparently my prayers to God are powerless as well.

I am left tired and exhausted throughout the day. If I try to rest, even a tiny little bit, the demons will commit murder against me on a parallel dimension, which they somehow have access to, where my parallel self is an atheist or otherwise unsaved and therefore God doesn’t protect their lives. They have killed over 2,000 so far, probably more. The murders happen every single day, and no one seems to care.

Every day I have been praying to God for this madness to permanently end. To be fair, God has helped from time to time where he lets me kill the demons. How it works is I pull them out of my body, and I can physically see them; and since they no longer have a human host, they permanently cease to exist. I’m not sure how many demons have died as a consequence of me getting rid of them with God’s help, but I would estimate the number to be between 75 and 100, possibly more.

I appreciate God’s help with getting rid of many demons who engage in the horrible conduct against me that I’ve described in this post, but there is a problem…

Every time I successfully get rid of a demon and it no longer exists, another one comes and attaches onto me. Usually the new demon is even more evil and aggressive than the last.

My prayer request to God is this: I want the demons to permanently leave me alone and never attach onto me ever again.

I want everyone to please pray for me and ask God to answer my prayer so that I can reach the point where I am permanently free of demons and never have them in my life.

These demons are so bad that they can’t be called human beings or even beings. They are like viruses and meant only to cause harm, destruction, and death. There have been many times where I was praying, and an attached demon didn’t like it, so he went to a parallel dimension and murdered my parallel self who is an atheist or otherwise a nonbeliever, even though atheists and nonbelievers don’t pray to God in the first place! A human being, or even just an ordinary being, doesn’t commit gratuitous murder for no reason like that, nor are they so irrational that their violent conduct is beyond bizarre. Thus, it’s very important that everyone pray for me so that I will never have to deal with demons ever again, and I want it to happen like today or tonight. My situation is truly dire, so I don’t want God to put me off for some trivial, insignificant reason; my freedom should instead come now. I’m tired of being a prisoner with no way of escape.
You keep believing that there is a parallel dimension where you are in some form with these demonic ones. By doing this you are keeping the door open to such attacks on your mind. Close the door. Stop believing the lies of the evil one.
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Jan 5, 2022
"A higher plane," hehe
Today was supposed to be freedom day. I was supposed to wake up and feel happy for once knowing my 10+ years in a literal death camp was finally going to be over with.

But God ruined it!

I quit nicotine and other problems. Believe me, nicotine is an incredibly hard drug to quit. I was able to get a pill the makes me mellow and takes away the nicotine withdrawal pain, so I got through the first day. Before I went to bed, I decided to celebrate my freedom with a small alcoholic seltzer.

I go to sleep, and the demons continue to torment me, and God won’t tell me why!

He must hate me for drinking to seltzer and chose to ruin my life over something so insignificant, using his childish logic to justify ruining other people’s lives with unfair logic by telling them they can't drink a little bit.

Yet Jesus drank wine during the Last Supper and turned water into wine in the Gospels!

Since God held a grudge on me for doing everything he wanted yet refused to forgive me for having a little bit of alcohol, which the Bible approves of doing (as seen in the Gospels), I will likewise hold a hate grudge against him!

I was entitled to my freedom today, but God is making me spend another day here in the death camp over something that isn’t even wrong in the first place.

Because God is treating me this way, I’ll never forgive him until he tells me why the Gospels approve of drinking alcohol in moderation, as I did yesterday, but he thinks it is so sinful based on his childish, unfair logic. I demand an answer from him or else I will never go to church again. This is how upset God has made me with his unfair treatment.
You are wrestling against God instead of yielding to Him. I did that too, once. He put me on my back alone in a hospital bed, where I finally acknowledged my wickedness and begged Him for forgiveness.

If God is drawing you, you won't win. Eventually God will say, "Enough is enough" and He will "put your hip out of joint." You will be on your knees one way or another.

I would encourage you to seek Jesus Christ as I instructed you in previous posts.

But if you will not, then by all means wrestle with all your might. I will pray for you, but I will be praying that God breaks you quickly.
Nov 9, 2021
Okay, my irritation has subsided for now. I will now write rationally and not get mad.

I will not boycott going to church. I said that out of anger, but I’m happy now so I’m sorry for having said that earlier.

I’ll admit that God’s support for Prohibition of alcohol seems unfair when you consider that the Bible appears to approve of it. Jesus drank wine during the Last Supper, as described in Matthew 26:28. Another verse (John 2:1-11) talks about a miracle Christ performed where he turned water into wine.

Drinking wine is something I really like doing. But God tells me I’m not allowed to do it, otherwise he won’t remove the demons who have been terrorizing me, day and night.

The reason God supports Prohibition of alcohol is very unfair, too. He thinks that because some people drink irresponsibly and kill others in drunk driving accidents that no one should be allowed to drink alcohol, including responsible drinkers who don’t drink and drive and don’t kill others while drunk.

God’s logic here is every bit as unfair as people with left-wing political views who want to ban guns. “Gun control” advocates think that because some people use guns irresponsibly and kills others in tragic events like school shooting and street shooting that no one can be allowed to own guns. This is very unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who don’t go on spree shootings, don’t kill people for slighting them, and use their guns for self-defense purposes only.

I begged and pleaded with God to explain why he is treating me so unfairly. The Bible approves of drinking alcohol in moderation, so why is he being such an unfair jerk about it and telling me he won’t do anything about the demonic terror I experience every day if I simply have a small, little drink?

I finally elicited a response out of him. He reluctantly told me that the writers of the Bible made a mistake. In other words, Jesus never turned water into wine, and he didn’t drink wine during the Last Supper.

I find God’s response here hard to believe. When God speaks to me, he either speaks directly with an audible voice, or he speaks through other people by controlling what they say to answer my question or tell me something he wants me to know, or he speaks synchronistically through events. If God can speak through others to tell me something and control their words word for word, wouldn’t he be able to write through others as well and write word for word exactly what he wants written?

But whatever. I’ll try to believe God here, hard as that is going to be. It really hurts because I like to have a glass of wine every now and then. It makes me happy to get a nice buzz from alcohol. Knowing I can never have even half a glass of wine (and then incur God’s wrath) hurts me.

However, I’ll try to look at it this way. One day a long time ago, God told me who my wife is going to be. He showed me images of her. In fact, he has shown me images of her for years now, and she is pretty. When I asked God if she is a virgin with no boyfriend before when I meet her, he told me yes.

There isn’t anything wrong with my appearance, but I have longstanding problems related to socialization in general. I’m in my 30s and have never had a girlfriend before or been sexually intimate with a woman, and it’s involuntary and not because I believe it’s important to be sexually pure for a wedding ceremony (an idea that I think is silly).

God is going to give me the wife of my dreams because he feels sorry for my inability to get a wife myself. She is everything I want: Foreign, young, pretty, uneducated (or poorly educated), good housewife, virgin, no boyfriend before. God told me she will say I’m her one true love. I would love to spend my life with her. And so if God is going to do my this profound favor, then I’ll do him a favor and never drink again.