Hello Michael, I can relate to where you are because for me that point in my walk with Christ happened in the year 2000 in Alaska. One thing you need to understand is so many able folks will shy away from true mentorship because in true mentorship, it takes a LOT in your own life. A lot of devoted time and resources to truly mentor a person. The rewards however far outweigh the sacrifices. The problem we have had in society is there just are not enough mentors to go around for the need there is for them. "Where are the mentors.". So do not get discouraged if someone shy's away from you. It happened to me a LOT back then. One way I found to deal with that is opening myself up to being used by God to help others. Doing this will almost always get you focused on others rather than your own growth as God takes over and HE mentors you. While doing that God will start bring the people into your life. Man I started volunteering for EVERYTHING I could find and God did some amazing things through those interactions. It was amazing what God did back then. So, Hello and there you go. God bless you, Michael. When we get out of our own selves and reach out for others, God does amazing things!