Now what evidence do we have in history to answer this? Oh Yea, ALL of modern history. The last 8 years have shown us a perfect contrast of these ideologies and which one is better, or even works at all. Everything the Democrats have been pushing for is more like what Communism is. Look at California as a perfect example of what moving towards communism looks like. The closer you get to it the worst it gets and the more people that die. To be honest all the fentanyl deaths from fentanyl that came from Mexico since the Democrats open the boarder can be laid down right at their feet, it's their fault period. All the children that came here strait into sex slavery are all the Democrat leaders fault. The ideology is bad so the result is death and wickedness. When we do bad things it results in bad, and we've all seen who brings more bad. More war, less freedom, harder times, higher prices, more death and less justice, which of these two systems breeds more of this? The Democrat/Marxist/Communist/leftist/Hollywood/Satanic religion does hands down. You have to be blind and deny reality to object to this blatant truth. Jesus was not Communist nor Democrat, nor Leftist thinking in any way at all. Everything about this ideology is deception and self centered.