They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us,
they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they
might be made manifest that they were not all of us. John 2:19
That means something very applicable to us today.
That the ones we see presenting antagonistic teachings? They started going to church - learned for a season - and then left.
Only to come back with resentment for what they were exposed to, and use distorted teachings to try to prevent growing
believers from progressing in growing in correction, knowledge, and understanding.
That is why we see the cranks and kooks who say wrong things, and then act stubborn and stupid when shown corrections...
And will keep trying to disrupt the dialogue until put on Ignore by those with enough sense to know they are up to no good.
They are of a spirit that wishes to sabotage what was becoming mutually beneficial discourses in threads.
They might do it with a smiley face and ooze with sincerity to try to appeal to the soft side of some.
That is why that verse is there as for a warning about today. For, they are here posting in Christian forums! Antichrists.
In a church with a good pastor... He would chase them off if they refused to keep silent. Nice guy pastors who think they must
love them into the kingdom ends up petting snakes. That is one reason why too few churches are really effectual in producing
sound doctrinal teachings to grow strong by.
Its war. You do not have to like it.
grace and peace .........