What does visual have to do with gifts of the Spirit??? The verse that even warns us about looking at outward appearance even says that the Lord looks at the heart (1 Sam. 16:7), and we now can have God's Spirit in our very soul to enable us to do that. How else would Ananias have known it was OK to talk to the previously murderous Paul as recorded in Acts 9? How did Peter know it would be good to talk to the gentile Cornelius in Acts 10? How did the wise men know not to go back to tell Herod where Jesus was born? Or how did Elisha know the Shunammite was in bitter distress when his servant Gehazi did not (2 Kings 4:27)? In fact it was notable that God hid the reason for it from him. Obviously the answer is because God revealed it through His Spirit, something that has become EXTREMELY more available with the New Covenant.
As for my roommate, most of them she has never seen so much as an avatar for, yet she can describe the character of people I have met online or in person with insight into their motivations beyond what I can see from knowing and interacting with them alone. I too do this a fair bit, though my gifting and calling is a little different from hers. You make me sad that you dismiss things of God, presumably from ignorance, and therefore His people. I sincerely hope you don't do it from unbelief (refusal to believe). After all, it says in 1 Thess. 5 "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil."
The fact is, if you can't do what I have described, you either don't have Holy Spirit, you haven't yet come into the fullness of understanding what it means for you personally to have Holy Spirit (that was me for a very long time and to some extent it is still the case), or your calling is just very different, but then you would have insight into other Spiritual things.