Hello all,
I am incredibly new to Christianity, and have only recently began reading the bible. I began reading the gospel of Matthew, and I have encountered some troubling feelings when reading. I feel so truly awful for saying this, but I feel quite frightened reading the bible, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice they could send my way in regards to these feelings.
I can clearly see through his actions how truly Jesus loves us, how he heals all those with ailments purely out of the kindness of his heart, and how he died so that we may be forgiven, actively praying to the lord that those persecuting him may be forgiven. as noted before, I feel truly terrible for even having these feelings, but I feel like the language used in the bible seems very stern, and to the point, and I'm so truly so so sorry for saying this, but sometimes quite cold. I suppose I was under the impression that the bible would be 'gentler' for want of a better word. I feel so evil for even letting these thoughts enter my mind, but I feel that I must address them head on, in order to move forward in building my relationship with Jesus.
I am so terrified that I am writing such things, and it feels so sinful to even type these words out. I love Jesus with all my heart, but I was just wondering if anyone could help me by explaining the root of these feelings, and how to interpret this language in a way that could help me feel less afraid, and more positive when reading through the bible.
Thank you to all who respond, I can't thank you enough!
I am incredibly new to Christianity, and have only recently began reading the bible. I began reading the gospel of Matthew, and I have encountered some troubling feelings when reading. I feel so truly awful for saying this, but I feel quite frightened reading the bible, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice they could send my way in regards to these feelings.
I can clearly see through his actions how truly Jesus loves us, how he heals all those with ailments purely out of the kindness of his heart, and how he died so that we may be forgiven, actively praying to the lord that those persecuting him may be forgiven. as noted before, I feel truly terrible for even having these feelings, but I feel like the language used in the bible seems very stern, and to the point, and I'm so truly so so sorry for saying this, but sometimes quite cold. I suppose I was under the impression that the bible would be 'gentler' for want of a better word. I feel so evil for even letting these thoughts enter my mind, but I feel that I must address them head on, in order to move forward in building my relationship with Jesus.
I am so terrified that I am writing such things, and it feels so sinful to even type these words out. I love Jesus with all my heart, but I was just wondering if anyone could help me by explaining the root of these feelings, and how to interpret this language in a way that could help me feel less afraid, and more positive when reading through the bible.
Thank you to all who respond, I can't thank you enough!
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