According to this video, avoiding the C shot was pointless anyway! So much for people losing jobs and being ostracized for NO reason since being "shredded on" has exactly the same outcome! how disappointing and terrifying what is to come, but I always thought accepting or rejecting the mark was a "choice". Weird stuff.
I don't agree with everything that Gregg Reese publishes. Sometimes I disagree altogether on some of his videos.
I think he should clarify those points you made however, so there's no confusion.
According to one of the top CV researchers, Dr Judy Mikovich, a whistle blower and virologist, the shedding is a reality. I use the term contagious and contagion. She and others who have drawn blood looking for the specific infectious ingredients, have stated that this who did not receive the placebos in the first round, have varying degrees of the pathogens. There are family members, like husband/ wife where one got it and the other did not. The ones who did not, still were infected presumably from their spouses. They did not have as much if the toxic compounds as those who were directly infected by choosing to trust the medical workers and getting the shots.
In public through casual contact or airborne vectors, there's still those who get infected. This is of great concern to me too since I work around injected people nearly daily.
Those who get boosters on average have higher levels of the pathogenic ingredients.
Greg Reese has a point of view that is clouded by the new age religion and as an unbeliever should not be trusted for accurate information on matters the Bible speaks about. Sometimes he gets it right and oftentimes wrong. The CV shots are not the mark of the Beast. They are, however extremely toxic and should be avoided. The same ingredients are being added to the other vaccines too, so warm your family and friends. You know that of course. I think that the vaccine compliance is training for the yet to be released number in the hand or forehead.
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