Deadtosin: Smiles, brother! I read your full testimony, and it's a good one. Sorry for doubting
I guess it was just a little hard to follow in the shortened version, but I don't blame you for not wanting to post the whole thing. I'm still not sure what was up with Mr. Homeless Dude, but it certainly sounds like God used him to impact your life. I love how God deals with you through your determined nature, it really comes through in your testimony. Could it be that you are one of those who has to be hit with a spiritual board
? Lol, just messin' with you, brother, I love your spunk, you remind me of St. Peter. It's awesome how The Lord speaks to everyone differently, taking our different personalities into account. Jesus is so cool!
AnandaHya: I like this thread, too! Thanks, everyone, for your posts! I know what you mean, it's not so much that we "find" Jesus, more like we finally realize that He has been tugging on our hearts the whole time........I'd love to hear how He "caught" you, if you ever want to share
. No pressure, though! God bless, sister!
Miss Victoria: You have a beautiful testimony. I wasn't doubting your salvation, just curious how far the Lord had brought you in your experience with Him. I can tell by your posts that you love Jesus a LOT, and He the same for you. It sounds like you have been through some very difficult times in your life, and He has made up for that by giving you a lot of Him in return. He wipes away every tear.......God bless you sister, He has a special place in His heart for you. I can tell by your profile picture that His Hand is on your life, you have a beautiful countenance, and a lovely smile. It's clear that you are a very spiritually sensitive person. Keep digging, it certainly appears that you have won His favor! Love and hugs, Nicole. -P.S. I know what you mean about connecting spiritually with someone you have never met or spoken to. I have experienced that, as well. He's amazing, isn't He?
Brandon: Our testimonies are similar.
I, too, was blessed to have Christian parents, who understood that Jesus would honor the prayers of a child. It drives me crazy when I talk to parents whose children clearly need some spiritual guidance, but mommy is waiting until they're "old enough" (like, high school) to tell them about Jesus. Don't wait, parents! Suffer ye, the little children, don't forbid them! Introduce them to Jesus before the World gets a hold of them, chews them up, and spits them out. It's the best thing you can ever do for your kids, and the most important. Kids are more aware than people realize. Love, love, love 'em! Thanks for sharing, Mr. Brandon!
God Bless!