"The Gospel according to the Mystery of Christ is unique in that it is freely
given to all 1) without Israel; 2) without the Law; 3) and without any covenant.
Though I have said this repeatedly, it is not new with me. The gem below
was written over 70 years ago by pastor Harry Bultema speaking of Paul’s
“He was saved in a different manner than they; by the vision and dialogue
of and with the risen, glorified Lord. No one was ever saved as was Paul.
He was saved apart from the twelve apostles.
He was saved apart from Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
He was saved apart from the Law.
He was saved apart from any and all covenants.
He was saved apart from all good works.”
In other words, he was saved on the road to Damascus according to
the Mystery Revelation of Christ (Eph 3:7-9). He was the apostle of
the Mystery Gospel without Israel, without the Law, without covenants
(Eph 6:19-20; Rom 11:13; Col 1:25-27).
Christians protest at adding works to the Gospel of the Grace of God,
but they won’t bat an eye at adding Israel, the Hebrew epistles, the
new covenant, or the Holy Land to God’s operation today.
Adding these things departs from the preaching of Jesus Christ according
to the Mystery, because it departs from the pattern of Paul’s salvation.
Don’t fail to set apart the prophecy of Israel’s land, law, apostles, and
covenants from what God is doing today.
Adding these things corrupts the Clear Gospel of Grace just as much as
adding works. This setting apart is necessary to prevent adding anything
to the Gospel of Christ. That’s why we call it right division."
(J Johnston email 'tip')

given to all 1) without Israel; 2) without the Law; 3) and without any covenant.
Though I have said this repeatedly, it is not new with me. The gem below
was written over 70 years ago by pastor Harry Bultema speaking of Paul’s
“He was saved in a different manner than they; by the vision and dialogue
of and with the risen, glorified Lord. No one was ever saved as was Paul.
He was saved apart from the twelve apostles.
He was saved apart from Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
He was saved apart from the Law.
He was saved apart from any and all covenants.
He was saved apart from all good works.”
In other words, he was saved on the road to Damascus according to
the Mystery Revelation of Christ (Eph 3:7-9). He was the apostle of
the Mystery Gospel without Israel, without the Law, without covenants
(Eph 6:19-20; Rom 11:13; Col 1:25-27).
Christians protest at adding works to the Gospel of the Grace of God,
but they won’t bat an eye at adding Israel, the Hebrew epistles, the
new covenant, or the Holy Land to God’s operation today.
Adding these things departs from the preaching of Jesus Christ according
to the Mystery, because it departs from the pattern of Paul’s salvation.
Don’t fail to set apart the prophecy of Israel’s land, law, apostles, and
covenants from what God is doing today.
Adding these things corrupts the Clear Gospel of Grace just as much as
adding works. This setting apart is necessary to prevent adding anything
to the Gospel of Christ. That’s why we call it right division."
(J Johnston email 'tip')

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