Until science has proven without a shadow of doubt that hormone imbalance don't cause men or women to be gay, or make people decide to go transgender, then I'm on the fence.
it's time to just be plain spoken, with you.
UP UNTIL 1973, Science defined being Homosexual as being INSANE!
why did this suddenly change to being Gay equals Normal and Born this way?
because a BUNCH of FAGGOTS became Scientist and had a majority say in their Supposed field of Research. Look it up, it's a Fact.
so, if we REMOVE what the FAGGOT Scientists have to say, and go back to what NORMAL People had to say, you listening to Science and thinking what they say is correct, show's you believe INSANE People!
which makes sense, because someone has to be INSANE to think Science has more Authority over the Word of God!