The assertions Bosworth is making are the ones always used by faith healers: God has promised He will always heal us; if you don't get healed it's because of your lack of faith in His promises; even if you don't experience healing immediately, I'm telling you you're healed, so just keep believing, at least long enough for me to get out of town and deposit your donation.
“Twenty-two Reasons for Failure to Be Healed It is so clearly revealed throughout the Scriptures that the heavenly Father wills our healing. Why do some who seek healing fail to receive it?” (F F Bosworth)
They remind me of the lawsuit commercials: you are entitled to healing if you meet these 22 requirements.
Example: 13. Lack of Diligence Some have no diligence when seeking God for healing. God “is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

Which is a very high bar to meet. Seemingly perfection is the requirement. But I could be wrong. It all just sounds legalistic and a bar that healers can not reach because they have gotten sick and died just as anyone else.
How can one say that physical healing can be claimed today due to the atonement but not the conquering of death? Why is one reserved for the future but not the other?