Can homisexuals be saved?

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Apr 18, 2023
The question was about sin, not skin.
But I used that as a comparison. Why do they want to exclude lgbt people? Because its a sin, because they promote sin? But didnt Donald Trump say he could grab women's privates? He promoted the sin of fornication.

Didnt Bill Clinton commit adultery? Cleveland rape a woman?

We all sin, including me and you. God is here for us all. We should live in a world where all living been love each other. Unfortunately, we do not. b


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
No. The idea of not giving others a chance is foolish.

Not accepting others is not love. It is another sin. Our pride leads us to not accepting others. Racism is not letting others in. Letting others in because they are of another color is not a sin but acceptance and love.
we are to accept the person, never the sin. The most unloving thing to do is give drugs to the addicted.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Exactly but the key words there are accepting the person!
today accepting the person means AGREEING WITH THE sin.

Anyone can come to Christ; HE will not reject them, but all must turn from their sin. A person who comes to Jesus no longer identifies with sin but with Christ. I am not an accepted Drug Addict I am a man set free from drug addiction. I am no longer bound by sexual sin I have been set free from the bondage of sexual sin.
Jun 20, 2022
Exactly but the key words there are accepting the person!
Which means, being honest with one another out of respect. Which also shows, a sense of love for your fellow human. And honesty, is comparing your idealism's you want to be accepted, by others, According to God's Holy Word. And if your views do not align with God's, i am obliged, to be honest and tell you so. But in a way, that exemplifies, I am also trying to build a Bridge between our communication. Rather than, blasting off, "You are Wrong and Off Your Rocker sort of response," I would imagine You might be used to.
Apr 18, 2023
today accepting the person means AGREEING WITH THE sin.
It doesnt mean that at all.

It means loving them and being family/friend to them. I have a few friends who tell me that transgenderism is a sin but they do ikt with love in their hearts. They ACCEPT me.

Love the sinner, not the sin. Loving someone truly includes accepting the person even if you do not accept of the sin or so-called sin.

God accepted the thief without agreeing with his sin. True, the thief repented but I have repented every night. .for something Im not even sure Im at fault.
Apr 18, 2023
Which means, being honest with one another out of respect. Which also shows, a sense of love for your fellow human. And honesty, is comparing your idealism's you want to be accepted, by others, According to God's Holy Word. And if your views do not align with God's, i am obliged, to be honest and tell you so. But in a way, that exemplifies, I am also trying to build a Bridge between our communication. Rather than, blasting off, "You are Wrong and Off Your Rocker sort of response," I would imagine You might be used to.
Trust me, I am...been getting many of those here.

I know I am a broken soul and have cried many times over this and some other suffering. I never wanted to be bisexual nor transgender. I prayed for it to go away millions of times. The bisexuality eventually did.

I don't have too many views about anything. In fact, one of the few views I have is that I dont agree with a lot of the things many transgenders are doing like competing on women's sports, which im kind of contradicting myself now lol..but at least I dont try to impose any views or think God is wrong. I dont think God is wrong, nor does He makes mistakes. He made us exactly how He wanted us to be. . Another one is, I think men can be wrong. And the Bible was written by men.

Thats what I think but I respect other opinions. I answer when they are delivered with anger. Because who are they to be angry at me when they too sinned?

Im just me. A suffering person.

If Jesus was on the internet, He'd said "come to me, you are saved by your asking me to save you!" Thats what He'd said.

One thing most Christians, Muslims and etc need to understand is: heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, cisgenderism etc are not things you can just click on a switch or off and make it go. My aunt who is a Pastors wife herself actually agreed with me about this, even if she doesnt about other things! If it was that easy, then people like me, would just click it and off it goes. When God decided it was time for me not to be bisexual anymore after 35 or so years of me praying, He made it go. But not the other thing.
Jun 20, 2022
Trust me, I am...been getting many of those here.

I know I am a broken soul and have cried many times over this and some other suffering. I never wanted to be bisexual nor transgender. I prayed for it to go away millions of times. The bisexuality eventually did.

I don't have too many views about anything. In fact, one of the few views I have is that I dont agree with a lot of the things many transgenders are doing like competing on women's sports, which im kind of contradicting myself now lol..but at least I dont try to impose any views or think God is wrong. I dont think God is wrong, nor does He makes mistakes. He made us exactly how He wanted us to be. . Another one is, I think men can be wrong. And the Bible was written by men.

Thats what I think but I respect other opinions. I answer when they are delivered with anger. Because who are they to be angry at me when they too sinned?

Im just me. A suffering person.

If Jesus was on the internet, He'd said "come to me, you are saved by your asking me to save you!" Thats what He'd said.

One thing most Christians, Muslims and etc need to understand is: heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, cisgenderism etc are not things you can just click on a switch or off and make it go. My aunt who is a Pastors wife herself actually agreed with me about this, even if she doesnt about other things! If it was that easy, then people like me, would just click it and off it goes. When God decided it was time for me not to be bisexual anymore after 35 or so years of me praying, He made it go. But not the other thing.
Without being rude, have you had your genetics and chromosome tested?
Or, is this a spiritual journey and your soul just tells you because you've tried being both and only one seems to work for you?


Active member
Feb 17, 2023
I've come across differing views on this and would like to see others' biblical evidence one way or another, if any would like to comment.
I'm happy that you see my point, so let me expound upon it a bit.

Romans chapter 1

[20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
[21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
[22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
[23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
[24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
[25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
[26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
[27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

For what cause?

Well, just read the verse IN CONTEXT.

Paul was talking about those who "were without excuse" or those "who knew God", and then "became vain in their imaginations" or those who "changed the truth of God into a lie".

Again, do you HONESTLY believe that this describes all homosexuals?

Of course, it doesn't.

Context is everything.

Steven Anderson is a hate-filled heretic.
However, in the larger context of Romans 1--3:20, Paul makes the case that all people are guilty before God the Judge, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. In 2:21--the end of 11, he claims that God has freed all believers from our guilt through our faith in Jesus' death. In 12-16, he calls us to live the life of repentance and gratitude. Repentance means turning away from our former lives. Therefore, if a homosexual person trusts in Jesus and lives a celebate life, he or she might be objects of God's salvation. However, only God knows anyone's salvation as the only one to know our hearts.


Active member
Feb 17, 2023
Minor point: - I've just noticed my thread's error - obviously I meant "homOsexuals".
Of course, unrepentant sinners of any kind their whole lives are in great danger of being left out of the new earth; but repentant people, who live at least a celebate life by God's great grace, can and will be saved. I don't know anyone's heart and thus can't judge the difference.
Apr 18, 2023
Without being rude, have you had your genetics and chromosome tested?
Or, is this a spiritual journey and your soul just tells you because you've tried being both and only one seems to work for you?
Thanks for having a good, bridge building conversation my friend. I am a battered soul but one who seeks forgiveness in His heart.

I had some tests done as a kid due to my endocrines being sort of compromised as a Diabetic. These tests were done by a doctor who became famous and controversial in my country due to her research of hormones. The test results were never revealed to me, and I asked my parents recently but they are too old and dont remember many things from the past, including that.

I also have thyroids, as does my mom..and you know, thyroids: endocrinology also.

At least I think-with the possible exception that maybe they tested me at that time and didnt tell me they did-that I havent had my genetics or chromosomes tested.

I dont think it is a spiritual journey in that sense. I was three when I first got these feelings. My nephew says he was 5. My spiritual journey in that sense, began at 14 when I decided to give my life, my soul to the Lord at the Ebenezer United Methodist church in Caguas, Puerto Rico.

Youre not being rude, just curios. Don't worry about it.


...easier than the self-righteous.

Why, oh why do we Christians keep pointing to this as some kind of super sin?
I think it's because Christians struggle with the sexual instinct. I think sometimes we try too hard to push back on sexual sin, sometimes using denial to cope, and so we recoil in excess against any type of sexual sin.


It doesnt mean that at all.

It means loving them and being family/friend to them. I have a few friends who tell me that transgenderism is a sin but they do ikt with love in their hearts. They ACCEPT me.

Love the sinner, not the sin. Loving someone truly includes accepting the person even if you do not accept of the sin or so-called sin.

God accepted the thief without agreeing with his sin. True, the thief repented but I have repented every night. .for something Im not even sure Im at fault.
He was referring to the WORLD'S definition of 'acceptance'.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2021
Repentance from sexual sin involves a lot more than just being celibate. If someone is a porn addict they can't simply become celibate but look at porn all day. Nor can a homosexual become celibate but go around lusting after people of the same sex all day. Repentance and healing involves the whole person: body, mind and emotions. "All things have become new."

If you tell a person being homosexual is okay, just don't act on it, it does them a disservice. I know a lot of people believe this nowadays; but being homosexual isn't okay because it's not God's will or His purpose for us.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
But I used that as a comparison. Why do they want to exclude lgbt people? Because its a sin, because they promote sin? But didnt Donald Trump say he could grab women's privates? He promoted the sin of fornication.

Didnt Bill Clinton commit adultery? Cleveland rape a woman?

We all sin, including me and you. God is here for us all. We should live in a world where all living been love each other. Unfortunately, we do not. b
You nailed that one.

God is love.

No one is righteous, not one person.

Anyone that claims they do not sin is a liar.

What's the difference between a murderer, a thief, and a rapist?

Is there any difference between someone who covets and someone who is selfish?


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
I think it's because Christians struggle with the sexual instinct. I think sometimes we try too hard to push back on sexual sin, sometimes using denial to cope, and so we recoil in excess against any type of sexual sin.
Probably two of the most powerful sins are sexual sin and not loving others.

I can easily point out someone's sin, that is an easy thing to do. Then I can rebuke them.

What is impossible is to have an unconditional love towards another person, which Jesus had.

What would be the point of ridding myself of sin?

No point whatsoever. unless I loved others unconditionally.

God is love.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
It doesnt mean that at all.

It means loving them and being family/friend to them. I have a few friends who tell me that transgenderism is a sin but they do ikt with love in their hearts. They ACCEPT me.

Love the sinner, not the sin. Loving someone truly includes accepting the person even if you do not accept of the sin or so-called sin.

God accepted the thief without agreeing with his sin. True, the thief repented but I have repented every night. .for something Im not even sure Im at fault.
I am concerned about the eternal soul. It is my job as a minister, to tell the truth. And I will stand before God and give an account of what I said to keep people from going to hell. There is no such thing as transgender. Is it a lie from the pit of Hell to destroy the person God created them to be. I can't sugarcoat it, and I won't compromise on it, The person who refuses to turn away from such sin we are to avoid. A little leaven makes the whole loaf thick.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
It doesnt mean that at all.

It means loving them and being family/friend to them. I have a few friends who tell me that transgenderism is a sin but they do ikt with love in their hearts. They ACCEPT me.

Love the sinner, not the sin. Loving someone truly includes accepting the person even if you do not accept of the sin or so-called sin.

God accepted the thief without agreeing with his sin. True, the thief repented but I have repented every night. .for something Im not even sure Im at fault.
That is not true there were two the Thief's on the Cross One said save yourself the other said this Luke 23:39-43

39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!”
40 But the other responded, and rebuking him, said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our crimes; but this man has done nothing wrong.”

42 And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!” 43 And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

The second Thief repented and admitted his guilt. We are not to live a life of sin and then at the last moment, hope we are forgiven.

THat is not being honest that is practicing sin and living the life you want to when God said do not do it. THose who practice sin do so because they love sin more than God.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2021
One thing most Christians, Muslims and etc need to understand is: heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, cisgenderism etc are not things you can just click on a switch or off and make it go.
What I think everyone needs to understand is that, yes- you can instantly forsake any kind of sexual immorality.

Things like dysmorphia and SSA are errors that can persist even after you disown them; they are like feelings. If someone is submitted to God, their WILL will become more powerful than any feelings or biological impulses.

If you have occasional, or even persistent dysmorphia; as long as it is not controlling your will/volition , then you are WINNING THE SPIRITUAL WARFARE, and no one should think to judge you. You were not a "bisexual" the second you willfully submitted and rejected bisexuality... and any lingering biological SSA was nothing more than a dying enemy trying to claw at you; and the same goes for dysmorphic feelings- it is an ENEMY RESISTING ITS INEVITABLE CAPTIVITY.

You might encounter some people that pretend like they are winners because they don't experience any spiritual warfare in their lives- but the only people that don't experience spiritual warfare in this life are the people that are already spritually captive or dead. There's no civilians- we are either fighting and winning, or not fighting and dying.

"Identity" issues are actually very understandable to me; especially in a world where the vast majority of people are living some kind of lie or distortion... everyone might not covet the qualities and properties of the opposite sex... but a lot of people are still creating some false identity for themselves that will burn up just as quickly, and just as hot.