The new generation

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2021
this also is why I said the last time I was on here that i'm done studying the word now I am going to prove it
Or you might try letting the word prove itself to you.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Yeah he doesn’t waste time working to get people he’s already got keep your head up brother the son is rising

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:8-9‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Believe me many times I wanted to give up even this morning for no apparent reason my stomach hurt worse than it ever has before I couldn't stop trhrowing up and the pain every time I would vomit was bringing me to tears for hours I wanted to die I wanted to give up and be done as I was saying this to God I was instantly reminded that even if I wanted to give up I simply don't know how I am stubborn and have always been a fighter even in my weakest state.

There is a level with God I was shown a kind of person and believer that he is trying to bring us all to and several months ago I declared that this is who I was going to be and even as the words came from my mouth I knew it was set in stone simply because I declared it so it was then that the attacks became severe because like I said he is afraid of what we can become.

one thing I absolutely cannot stress enough is that there is a whole other world and level with God that many are unaware of there is a depth and wonder and gloryof God that the entire universe in unison sings of a dimension with him that you can only dream of just with my foot in the door I have experienced him in ways and in depths unheard of I have seen deeper past the mere idea of salvation and faith it goes so much deeper than that your soul is drawn to this deep and hidden mystery of God like a magnet


exactly the kingdom is not of this world this is why I have said we are supposed to be living in a different dimension we are supposed to be alien and strange to the world yet we blend in and do the exact same things the world does, the constant bickering and disagrements we have in the church well the world does that exact same thing. lip service yet no action the world does this to, studying and debating the world does this too. this also is why I said the last time I was on here that i'm done studying the word now I am going to prove it
Perhaps reread your op. The above is not actually related to it. I responded to your op. As for this post, that's common knowledge.

One thing though, that last part above proving God's word......He actually already has that job and is not looking for those who have somehow managed to ignore big portions of that word and pronounce the following

The generation that is coming is going to be one of worship they will bring the kingdom through worship in spirit and in truth mountains and giants who would oppose them will fall to ashes before them not by power or might but by worship
We are heading for times that even the very elect would be deceived if God did not intervene. That is straight from scripture and does not agree with the thought that you believe you are a prophet but deny it but then go on to pronounce that over yourself.

For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 2:24

Believe what the word actually says and then state you are prophesying.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
Believe me many times I wanted to give up even this morning for no apparent reason my stomach hurt worse than it ever has before I couldn't stop trhrowing up and the pain every time I would vomit was bringing me to tears for hours I wanted to die I wanted to give up and be done as I was saying this to God I was instantly reminded that even if I wanted to give up I simply don't know how I am stubborn and have always been a fighter even in my weakest state.

There is a level with God I was shown a kind of person and believer that he is trying to bring us all to and several months ago I declared that this is who I was going to be and even as the words came from my mouth I knew it was set in stone simply because I declared it so it was then that the attacks became severe because like I said he is afraid of what we can become.

one thing I absolutely cannot stress enough is that there is a whole other world and level with God that many are unaware of there is a depth and wonder and gloryof God that the entire universe in unison sings of a dimension with him that you can only dream of just with my foot in the door I have experienced him in ways and in depths unheard of I have seen deeper past the mere idea of salvation and faith it goes so much deeper than that your soul is drawn to this deep and hidden mystery of God like a magnet
Amen brother it’s a war for sure and it’s real for sure and many don’t realize it’s happening for sure

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-18‬ ‭

Warfare for real real attacks real strategy to secure our defenses

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:3-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

a battlefield within

“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭7:21-23‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The sword of the spirit

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Or you might try letting the word prove itself to you.
And tell me how is that playing out? we study the word but you don't see the word in action we have scholars but the world needs workers and doers of the word you can have information but what you do with that information decides if you understand that information or not.

The word will prove itself because I am not going to sit around studying and debating and not acting. The kingdom is not here not yet at least but the first step to bringing the kingdom here is to do what we were called to do

You say to let the word prove itself and how exactly do you think it does that? What did Jesus do with word? he went around reaching and serving the lost he brought crowds that shoved each other just to get a gljmpse of him he had the knowledge he had the word but actually acted on it he actively sought out those who needed it.
We have forgotten who we are and what we are to be and do is it any wonder that in revelation Jesus had only one church that he had nothing bad to say about?


one thing I absolutely cannot stress enough is that there is a whole other world and level with God that many are unaware of there is a depth and wonder and gloryof God that the entire universe in unison sings of a dimension with him that you can only dream of just with my foot in the door I have experienced him in ways and in depths unheard of I have seen deeper past the mere idea of salvation and faith it goes so much deeper than that your soul is drawn to this deep and hidden mystery of God like a magnet
I am positive that people here have experienced more than you but do not find it necessary to tell everyone about it.

Where do you get this idea that your experience is the validation for everyone acknowledging what you say about yourself?

As it is, you contradict what Jesus Himself said as a warning to those who have ears


And tell me how is that playing out? we study the word but you don't see the word in action we have scholars but the world needs workers and doers of the word you can have information but what you do with that information decides if you understand that information or not.

The word will prove itself because I am not going to sit around studying and debating and not acting. The kingdom is not here not yet at least but the first step to bringing the kingdom here is to do what we were called to do

You say to let the word prove itself and how exactly do you think it does that? What did Jesus do with word? he went around reaching and serving the lost he brought crowds that shoved each other just to get a gljmpse of him he had the knowledge he had the word but actually acted on it he actively sought out those who needed it.
We have forgotten who we are and what we are to be and do is it any wonder that in revelation Jesus had only one church that he had nothing bad to say about?

If you do not understand that God's word performs as He send it out to do so, then you lack understanding

Seek, inquire for, and require the Lord while He may be found [claiming Him by necessity and by right]; call upon Him while He is near. 7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have love, pity, and mercy for him, and to our God, for He will multiply to him His abundant pardon. 8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:6-11 AMP...says the same in every version though

We have forgotten who we are and what we are to be and do is it any wonder that in revelation Jesus had only one church that he had nothing bad to say about?
Really? We have not at all all forgotten. You think you are bold speaking like this, but that is not the picture I am getting.

What exactly is it you have given your ear to?


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Perhaps reread your op. The above is not actually related to it. I responded to your op. As for this post, that's common knowledge.

One thing though, that last part above proving God's word......He actually already has that job and is not looking for those who have somehow managed to ignore big portions of that word and pronounce the following

We are heading for times that even the very elect would be deceived if God did not intervene. That is straight from scripture and does not agree with the thought that you believe you are a prophet but deny it but then go on to pronounce that over yourself.

For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 2:24

Believe what the word actually says and then state you are prophesying.
yes dark times are coming but it is in the darkness that the light shines the brightest. also as for my stance on being a prophet it isn't that I deny it if you recall I said that I was never any one thing for him, in every instance throughout the bible one thing the prophets shared in common was knowing his voice I don't say what I do on a whim and I never even have an idea of what I am supposed to say I just feel him lead me to do something and as soon as I begin to write the words flow on themselves.

I am not unaware of this may appear but this understanding you speak of is something he is revealing to me, we all study the word yet have no real understanding of it this is why we often contradict each other and divide the word and the body of Christ the method in which we opperate clearly doesn't work so instead of continuing to study the word in the normal fashion I am going directly to the source

Normally even I would question myself on all this as I am always very cautious in what I believe as truth I constantly observe everything I think and say always searching myself always making sure I am grounded in the word.

But the thing is everyone seems to think they understand the word yet treat it as something they can use out of context or use to prove their own views and understanding calling it truth but I noticed that no matter how much I studied there was a clear gap in understanding A clear contradiction I saw throughout the scriptures even though I dtudied and did all I could to be spirit lead yet I can read a verse and understand it but another one it's true meaning escapes me. I am only after the truth I won't accept anything less than that so knowing how divided the word has become and how so many different understanding and reasoning of it resides in even the most dedicated of bible scholars I changed my tactics and instead focused soley on him first my bond and relationship with him I began to act even when it didn't make sense but the difference is this time I would get results every time without fail he has even appeared several times in my room and as a result of me acting on what he spoke to do and say several times his very presence would fill my7 room as a thick dense water I refused to leave his presence even purposely missing my eye doctor appointment knowing how imprtant it is for my eyes but when your in his presence it is more than just a feeling or a sense of him being there suddenly the kingdom is open wide his wonder and mystery and glory becomes something that far exceeds even the reality of heaven itself.

The reason I am confident in the path I am taking and the method in which I am doing it is because I get results


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2018
has it? look around you we live in an age of sin self worship a complete lack of anything resembling the kingdom the church itself is dead you can't tell the difference between a Christian and a normal person there is no zeal for God anymore even most believers are simply ok with being the average believer the power of God is merely something spoken of and taught rarely do you ever see a spirit filled believer and this is made evident in the complete inefectiveness of the church.

If the kingdom is already here where is it? Where is this holy spirit that where is this love for God that causes the heart to chase after him with an enless hunger and thirst?

The kingdom is not here if it was you would see it active but look around you can you honestly tell me the kingdom is here and if you think it is what is the kingdom to you and how is it here?
Sorry to hear about your health struggles. Many are the afflictions of the righteous.

The church is the kingdom of God, in which Jesus is the bride, and king of, and he has been reigning ever since the church has been established.

I believe the scriptures to teach that there is an invisible church that are a part of the bride of Christ, and there is a visible church that is also a part of the bride of Christ

Ezek 10:10 speaks of a wheel within a wheel. The outer, larger wheel are God's people, who worship God, but do not have a knowledge of the gospel, ( the household of Israel, which has been redeemed, by the blood of Jesus, from every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation - Rev 5:9)

Zeph 3:11-13 - God blinded the eyes of most of the household of Israel (outer wheel - invisible church) for turning away from him and worshiping idols, until they repent, Romans 11:26- And so all Israel shall be saved, but he left in the midst of them, an afflicted and poor people that shall trust in the name of the Lord.

The remnant of Israel (inner wheel - visible church) shall do no iniquity, nor speak lies, neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth, for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.

I also believe the two gates in Matt 7 harmonizes with these scriptures. The wide gate being the outer wheel, the invisible church, and the straight gate being the inner wheel, the visible church.

Both the visible church and the invisible church have the promise of an eternal inheritance.


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
I am positive that people here have experienced more than you but do not find it necessary to tell everyone about it.

Where do you get this idea that your experience is the validation for everyone acknowledging what you say about yourself?

As it is, you contradict what Jesus Himself said as a warning to those who have ears
Yes I am sure others have experiences and don't talk about it but I am not like that I am an open book and testify of the things he has done for meThe things I say are not normal and that is for a good reason the experiences I have are powerful and supernatual each time bringing me to new aspect of him his kingdom our position in that kingdomect. If these were mere exper4iences that would be one thing but the fact that they all draw me closer to him the fact I fall even more in love with who he is each time says everything to me.
Just because you think you have the ears to hear doesn't mean you do just because you think you have the eys to see doesn't mean you do. I see studiers of the word I see those who would think they have understanding yet the results say otherwise like I said I am after the truth and nothing else but I had to change my focus and my method of finding this truth and once I did this that is when he really started becoming active

maybe you are ok with how things are maybe you are ok with where you are at with him but I made it clear to him from the beginning I was not after an ordinary kind of faith love and relationship with him I am going after the kingdom and I want to bring the kingdom here and there is a level with him that he has been trying to get us to he has been bashing over our stubborn heads but we just don't seem to get it. Jesus said many things but one thing that always stuck out is when he said anything is possible with God. So many claim this truth yet have the lack of power there of, many struggle and even fear the attacks of the enemy when the truth is hell has no power it is under our feet we have authority and power in Christdid you think Jesus was kidding when he said that even a mountain would crumble?

if you have the ears to hear then get on his frequency and listen


The Word Weaver
Aug 28, 2012
Sorry to hear about your health struggles. Many are the afflictions of the righteous.

The church is the kingdom of God, in which Jesus is the bride, and king of, and he has been reigning ever since the church has been established.

I believe the scriptures to teach that there is an invisible church that are a part of the bride of Christ, and there is a visible church that is also a part of the bride of Christ

Ezek 10:10 speaks of a wheel within a wheel. The outer, larger wheel are God's people, who worship God, but do not have a knowledge of the gospel, ( the household of Israel, which has been redeemed, by the blood of Jesus, from every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation - Rev 5:9)

Zeph 3:11-13 - God blinded the eyes of most of the household of Israel (outer wheel - invisible church) for turning away from him and worshiping idols, until they repent, Romans 11:26- And so all Israel shall be saved, but he left in the midst of them, an afflicted and poor people that shall trust in the name of the Lord.

The remnant of Israel (inner wheel - visible church) shall do no iniquity, nor speak lies, neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth, for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.

I also believe the two gates in Matt 7 harmonizes with these scriptures. The wide gate being the outer wheel, the invisible church, and the straight gate being the inner wheel, the visible church.

Both the visible church and the invisible church have the promise of an eternal inheritance.
The kingdom is with the body of Christ but my point is that it is not being used. it was prophesied there would be a falling away that the love of many would wax cold yes there are true believers but with how many people I have encountered and spoken to all of them saying the same thing about Christians the fact that this women and transgender I encountered were shocked to find out I was a Christian and was brought to tears just from me trating them with kindness and decency and finding out that such people are all over the place hidden in plain sight I simply cannot say the kingdom is here


yes dark times are coming but it is in the darkness that the light shines the brightest. also as for my stance on being a prophet it isn't that I deny it if you recall I said that I was never any one thing for him, in every instance throughout the bible one thing the prophets shared in common was knowing his voice I don't say what I do on a whim and I never even have an idea of what I am supposed to say I just feel him lead me to do something and as soon as I begin to write the words flow on themselves.
Many many people claim to be a prophet and hear directly from God yet their words do not agree with scripture. I have already pointed out to you that category would seem to include you. I am not saying anything here on a whim but in reference to scripture. The fact you state you do not know what you are going to say, sounds like automatic writing and not influence from the Holy Spirit.

we all study the word yet have no real understanding of it
Just no. Not so at all. Every Bible teacher that has been raised up by God through His Spirit has no understanding? God just messes around with those people and jokes with them? You should pay heed to your words.

But the thing is everyone seems to think they understand the word yet treat it as something they can use out of context or use to prove their own views and understanding calling it truth but I noticed that no matter how much I studied there was a clear gap in understanding A clear contradiction I saw throughout the scriptures even though I dtudied and did all I could to be spirit lead yet I can read a verse and understand it but another one it's true meaning escapes me. I am only after the truth I won't accept anything less than that so knowing how divided the word has become and how so many different understanding and reasoning of it resides in even the most dedicated of bible scholars I changed my tactics and instead focused soley on him first my bond and relationship with him I began to act even when it didn't make sense but the difference is this time I would get results every time without fail he has even appeared several times in my room and as a result of me acting on what he spoke to do and say several times his very presence would fill my7 room as a thick dense water I refused to leave his presence even purposely missing my eye doctor appointment knowing how imprtant it is for my eyes but when your in his presence it is more than just a feeling or a sense of him being there suddenly the kingdom is open wide his wonder and mystery and glory becomes something that far exceeds even the reality of heaven itself.
yet what you say does not agree with scripture as far as some kingdom on this earth as per your op. As that is the case, I cannot in good conscience tell anyone to believe what you say. Blain, I am not a proponent of all these spiritual experiences you attest to. There are probably thousands of people claiming extra experiences as validity of what they say and have gathered people with itching ears to their words.

Since when does yours or any persons experience exceed the Bible? You cannot contradict scripture and then state you are a prophet and say you speak for God.


Yes I am sure others have experiences and don't talk about it but I am not like that I am an open book and testify of the things he has done for meThe things I say are not normal and that is for a good reason the experiences I have are powerful and supernatual each time bringing me to new aspect of him his kingdom our position in that kingdomect. If these were mere exper4iences that would be one thing but the fact that they all draw me closer to him the fact I fall even more in love with who he is each time says everything to me.
Just because you think you have the ears to hear doesn't mean you do just because you think you have the eys to see doesn't mean you do. I see studiers of the word I see those who would think they have understanding yet the results say otherwise like I said I am after the truth and nothing else but I had to change my focus and my method of finding this truth and once I did this that is when he really started becoming active

maybe you are ok with how things are maybe you are ok with where you are at with him but I made it clear to him from the beginning I was not after an ordinary kind of faith love and relationship with him I am going after the kingdom and I want to bring the kingdom here and there is a level with him that he has been trying to get us to he has been bashing over our stubborn heads but we just don't seem to get it. Jesus said many things but one thing that always stuck out is when he said anything is possible with God. So many claim this truth yet have the lack of power there of, many struggle and even fear the attacks of the enemy when the truth is hell has no power it is under our feet we have authority and power in Christdid you think Jesus was kidding when he said that even a mountain would crumble?

if you have the ears to hear then get on his frequency and listen
I don't listen or obey false prophets. I see you have become insulting and think you are somehow going to have the final say.

God has the final say Blain and you are not in agreement with what He states. Interesting that you simply continue on your personal so called experiences and ignore scripture that has been posted.

if you have the ears to hear then get on his frequency and listen
Whose frequency? Whatever it is you are giving your ears to? No thank you. That is your personal guide and I do not believe it to be the Holy Spirit. It is also interesting that God Himself will not stop you as He has already given us all we need to know to keep from being deceived in His word. You are basing your walk on experience and that is not a sure foundation.

I would get into the word and try to see where you went off the rails. That would be my suggestion to you. I fully understand you may very well refuse to do that. That is your prerogative.

Done with replying to you but I do hope others pay attention who may be tempted to follow words that do not agree with what the Bible says.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2018
Hello Blain! So lovely as always to see you posting. I am so sorry to hear of your health issues,
and especially about the deteriorating condition of your eyes. I have been listening to Ezekiel
the last few days as I lay in bed at night, and boy oh boy! Being a prophet is no piece of cake.
It may be that Ezekiel was made to suffer more as a prophet than the others. Still!

I am glad you are able to experience the closeness and connection you have with God.
And I understand what you mean when you say how you rejected initially the notion of
being chosen by God for anything special. I first encountered that idea for myself before
I was converted, and I loudly but-but-butted about it. Then when I became a Christian
and was able to acknowledge in a real way that I was chosen, it was like being thunder-
struck, and I wondered whatever for could God have chosen me? Knowing we are all
chosen in God is one thing, but thinking He has something specific in mind for you is
quite another. Someone in my church told me that God would bless me no matter what
I chose to do. I realize that came with caveats, but it did help calm my mind, because
quite frankly, trying to live up to other people's expectations of me just about killed me,
so I figured that trying to live up to God's expectations would be even more taxing.
However, this has not been the case, as I live out my life and grow in my faith.
His timing
is impeccable, and I am grateful He was gracious enough to allow me to survive the stupidity
of my youth, for my golden years are in many ways richer than any I lived through before.

Magenta, Part of loving your neighbor as yourself, is learning things about their walk in life.

I suppose we all have struggled a lot in our attempt to come unto a knowledge of the truth.

I can't remember who I have posted my experiences to, so pardon me, if you were among those.

Every time that I sat down to read the scriptures, there were several scriptures that, seemingly, contradicted each other

At age 50, I thought I was smart enough to figure it out, but was unsuccessful, after trying for 12 years.

I finally confesses to God that I was not smart enough, and would have to spend the rest of my life being ignorant of the gospel.

Soon afterwards, the Holy Spirit, within me, began to reveal some truths to me that made the scriptures begin to harmonize to me.

I realised, that if the Holy Spirit would have revealed these truths to me, in my initial mode of being smart enough, that I would have taken credit for my smartness, instead of giving God the credit.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2018
The kingdom is with the body of Christ but my point is that it is not being used. it was prophesied there would be a falling away that the love of many would wax cold yes there are true believers but with how many people I have encountered and spoken to all of them saying the same thing about Christians the fact that this women and transgender I encountered were shocked to find out I was a Christian and was brought to tears just from me trating them with kindness and decency and finding out that such people are all over the place hidden in plain sight I simply cannot say the kingdom is here

Scriptures tell me that it is, and that there will always be a witness for the truth until the last day. Sorry that you can not see it.


Active member
Mar 31, 2022
Hello Blain, welcome back. This is a nice idea; however, the kingdom has already come.
I don't listen or obey false prophets. I see you have become insulting and think you are somehow going to have the final say.

God has the final say Blain and you are not in agreement with what He states. Interesting that you simply continue on your personal so called experiences and ignore scripture that has been posted.

Whose frequency? Whatever it is you are giving your ears to? No thank you. That is your personal guide and I do not believe it to be the Holy Spirit. It is also interesting that God Himself will not stop you as He has already given us all we need to know to keep from being deceived in His word. You are basing your walk on experience and that is not a sure foundation.

I would get into the word and try to see where you went off the rails. That would be my suggestion to you. I fully understand you may very well refuse to do that. That is your prerogative.

Done with replying to you but I do hope others pay attention who may be tempted to follow words that do not agree with what the Bible says.
just because you have differing view point because you was raised with it does not mean you know everything God has and is doing. You do not believe because you have not seen.


just because you have differing view point because you was raised with it does not mean you know everything God has and is doing. You do not believe because you have not seen.
The Bible is not about different points of view. You have absolutely no idea what I was raised with. I do not believe in false prophecies or those who call themselves prophet when their words prove that they do not hold to what God states but have decided they prefer a happier ending where we all join hands and overcome the devil through worship

There is only one single thing that has defeated the devil and that is nothing that we have done.

You do not discern because you choose a different path than the one Christ chose on our behalf.


Active member
Mar 31, 2022
The Bible is not about different points of view. You have absolutely no idea what I was raised with. I do not believe in false prophecies or those who call themselves prophet when their words prove that they do not hold to what God states but have decided they prefer a happier ending where we all join hands and overcome the devil through worship

There is only one single thing that has defeated the devil and that is nothing that we have done.

You do not discern because you choose a different path than the one Christ chose on our behalf.
Does your church teach you? That would be your view point more then likely. I would say you do not believe in anyone being a modern day prophet or ppl even using the gift of prophecy.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018

just because you have differing view point because you was raised with it does not mean you know everything God has and is doing. You do not believe because you have not seen.
Please explain how you know how others were raised.
Also explain how you know what others have or have not experienced.


Active member
Mar 31, 2022
Please explain how you know how others were raised.
Also explain how you know what others have or have not experienced.
Well the way I worded it was meant as an open idea not as a fact as Niki suggest.