Ok...I went back and found the explanation later in the chapter. Jesus clearly delineates 2 groups. One is the children of God and the other the children of the devil. One begins as wheat. One begins as tares. Neither does it say becomes the other.
This isn't difficult to see in scripture. God created Adam and Eve. Both wheat. Satan enticed them to sin. As part of the curse for the woman, God greatly increased both her sorrow and conception. Notice, it doesn't say sorrow IN conception, but sorrow AND conception. This increase in births is how the tares were sown by Satan. It was his deception that led to sin and the curse.
From there God develops these 2 lines of humanity and what characterizes each. Some notable delineations are made between Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau. Each pair adding different aspects of the differences between the two lines.
Oh not at all my brother. When we look at the definition of the wheat and tares, Christ says it is seed that is planted one by him the other by the devil. The wheat is Christ seed his ministry the truth by which all men are saved. The tares are the devils seed. The wheat and tares are the result of the seed planted. Truth vs lies. Which of course the field is the world. So the separation is those who have the truth and those who have the lie.
Since we are in the world but not of it. There is also a sowing of the both seeds also in the church. We see this when Christ speaks in Revelation to the churches. His seed he tells them I know where you are and you have not entertained the false doctrines, the lies. To the other he says repent because they are believing and living a lie.
The false seed is those that walk in the way of Cain. Cain offered a sacrifice to God and said it is good enough, it is acceptable. Abel offered a sacrifice in a accordance with what God said and it was only good and acceptable because it was as God had ordained.
This is what is going in our world all religions are saying just be good, love love, you can do it on your own and God will be pleased with what you offer him. Your self righteousness it will be acceptable.
God says all our righteousness is as filthy rags. He says we will not see the kingdom unless our righteous exceeds that of the Pharisees. Their righteousness was built on self. Whereas God's righteousness is built on Christ.
These are the two seeds planted in this world, Christ is gonna separate the fruit of these two seeds the wheat and the tares. Those who have the truth and those who do not.
Adam was a son of God, and angels where sons of God because the scripture is pointing out God's perfection and the direct vs the indirect. God can't create anything but completion, perfection, righteousness. When he was done with our world and us he said it was good. Nothing more to be added it was whole and complete. When Christ died he said it is finished. Once again God being God can only be God so all he does is complete in every aspect.
Why the bible points out the direct vs indirect when it comes to his creation. When God creates he creates as him and who he is. So it is righteous or standing upright. As he is his own standard and the only standard he judges by and find acceptable. Why the word fallen is used because if you are standing up right and you fall then you come up short of the standard.
We are born short of that standard as we are a indirect creation we are reproduced after Adam. So we are born fallen. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Again he is showing he is the standard, the measurement.
So Adam, Angels, even more so Lucifer. How hast though fallen. God created him prefect. So why God uses the word fallen to show the state. Why to the Ephesian's he says remember from whence thou art fallen. Our state in reference to him be we righteous, standing upright or be we fallen.
Our new birth is an act of God directly creating a new creature paid for and done by Christ. So we by Christ are found righteous and our new creation in it, his righteousness. So we fall from what the standard of what God has created directly we fall from him as he is righteousness. Why he uses that word fallen in reference to Adam, the devil, and the church of Ephesus. Because you can only fall if you are standing.
So why he says he will remove what offends and does iniquity the tares. Because if you love God then you will have his love, have the truth and truth is that those who are his keep his commandments. God created us to reflect him so if we are him then that is what we will do. A good tree can only produce good fruit.
So hopefully this made sense as just keep repeating myself at this point trying to be clear, I oft convolute............LOL