So you need a good name for a bakery/coffee shop? This sounds like a job for a forum thread.
And good Sourdough starter is a relay of several generations and types of wild bacteria coming from various yeasts in the grains. One type growing results in another coming forward and becoming more prevalent. Acids, alcohols, sugars. Starches, and proteins affecting everything.
I've started a second batch to see which gets there first. One keeps getting pineapple and the other has water. Both have a blend of rye and whole wheat. I'm betting that the pineapple juice gets there first even though the water appears to at the moment.
Some bacteria forms gas and some produce the acids. I'm looking for that perfect Sourdough flavor.
Eventually I'll be able to feed it all white, sterile flour and water and the flavor won't change in the least.
Sourdough starters need a minimum of ten days to two full weeks to mature to the point of first usability. Then it takes years to fully mature to keep from going off the rails.
I'm going to try some Sourdough English muffins this weekend.
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