Have you ever known someone who was not saved, but when they finally accept Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit makes changes in them that you can see? Sometimes it’s a huge, obvious change, like a debilitating addiction is overcome overnight, or suddenly they can’t get enough of the Bible and desperately begin seeking Bible study’s and sermons and classes. Often the transition begins imperceptibly like a subtle change to their vocabulary, or just a slight change in body language that only another believer can detect.
My friend Johnathan often talks about wanting to be a follower of Christ, largely because he has seen the changes it’s made in my husband and myself over the 20 years that he’s known us. He has been guided through the sinners prayer at least 5 times as though it were a booster shot. My husband and I have encouraged him to find an expository teaching church, to read his Bible, to join a Bible study, to stop dating unbelieving, immoral women. We have explained the amazing power of prayer and obedience to His Word. We’ve desperately tried to get him out of the habit of using Jesus’ name as a vile curse word. And in all these years there has been absolutely no detectable sign of transformation.
It’s been like pulling the recoil starter cord on a lawnmower that just won’t start.
Lately I’ve been reading about the Calvinist doctrine of unconditional election. I never really payed attention to it before until my husband suggested that maybe Johnathan never received the Holy Spirit because he simply is not one of the elect. Is it possible that God simply doesn’t want him? That thought saddens me.
So here’s my question. What is my responsibility here? Do I keep encouraging a man to reach for the Lord regardless of whether or not the Lord reaches back? Am I wasting prayer time on him? Does the lord want me to kick the dust off my feet and move on?
My friend Johnathan often talks about wanting to be a follower of Christ, largely because he has seen the changes it’s made in my husband and myself over the 20 years that he’s known us. He has been guided through the sinners prayer at least 5 times as though it were a booster shot. My husband and I have encouraged him to find an expository teaching church, to read his Bible, to join a Bible study, to stop dating unbelieving, immoral women. We have explained the amazing power of prayer and obedience to His Word. We’ve desperately tried to get him out of the habit of using Jesus’ name as a vile curse word. And in all these years there has been absolutely no detectable sign of transformation.
It’s been like pulling the recoil starter cord on a lawnmower that just won’t start.
Lately I’ve been reading about the Calvinist doctrine of unconditional election. I never really payed attention to it before until my husband suggested that maybe Johnathan never received the Holy Spirit because he simply is not one of the elect. Is it possible that God simply doesn’t want him? That thought saddens me.
So here’s my question. What is my responsibility here? Do I keep encouraging a man to reach for the Lord regardless of whether or not the Lord reaches back? Am I wasting prayer time on him? Does the lord want me to kick the dust off my feet and move on?
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