Germany is invading russia? When in second world war?
Putin is saying that the Ukraine people are brethren to the russian people.
To kill them is what a brother should do to the brother?
Putin is a crimnal murder and is personal responsible for every killed life during this present war.
Yes, do you not think Russia deserves credit for it's role in WWII? I know I do, they took the most casualties, and actually pushed the Germans back to their own country. Not to mention it was Russia who got to Berlin, before any other country. You might have some biased views being in Germany, but that's just a guess. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Germans killed German American citizens during WWII, so how are you able to judge being a German citizen? Not to mention Germans killing German Jews in concentration camps. Which is quite dishonorable in many ways.
I believe Ukraine is the origins of the Russian people. Putin also said, the people of Crimea (pre 2014) and Dombass (last 8 years) were being slaughtered, and needed to be free. Not to mention the failed agreements of NATO.
Not sure I agree with you entirely. Putin asked Ukraine to lay down their weapons, so every arm raised has taken a risk of death by this action. Seen a video where a Russian ship told Ukrainian military personal on a island, to lay down your weapons. The Ukrainians cursed at them in defiance and got killed after that action. It's hard for me to believe this was entirely Putin's fault. Just my perspective.
The U.S. has military bases all over the world and pretty much blankets Russia on all it's boarders practically. Russia tried to put missiles just in Cuba, and it almost started a World War. I just have a hard time seeing it's only Russia's fault, if there is death in this Ukraine war, it takes two to tangle. Russia even offered not to attack Ukraine, if the U.S. would stop sending military equipment to Ukraine, the U.S. refused, and here we are now.
Let's not forget the U.S. had it's way the last 20 years in the Middle East, with many war crimes. Libya and Iraq to name a few of it's genocidal programs. Libya is still in shambles thanks to NATO and the U.S.. Anyways...