If you don’t mind me asking how should a man begin to confess this to his wife? I’ve struggled with this sin in the past and for me Holy Spirit revealed and reminded me that this started as early as 13 years old with a curiosity in a underwear and bra Catalog, progressed to being introduced to a Playboy magazine slightly after that, then to a vhs videotape at a classmates house sleepover slightly after that, then to a phone sex line and then the internet age came into play and by then I was fully hooked by my senior year of High School and spiraled out of control from there through College and on into my marriage to 32 when God finally took me out of the sin. I no longer desire it. Period. And it makes my stomach sick even thinking of the things my eyes saw and the messages my mind absorbed. I got really good at concealing and hiding it over the years…. Too good at hiding actually and it left a trail of shame everywhere I’ve went though I couldn’t at the time see why there was this nagging shame and guilt following me through my days day after day. The lust and soul ties haunted me for years though I had no idea that is what was entangling me. when I surrendered to Jesus, I confessed my sin to God and believe I earnestly repented. I’ve been free from the addiction for about 13 months minus one incident that was a mistake and Holy Spirit was very disruptive about convicting me of wrongdoing. But in that conviction he also nudged me to say I also need to own up to my hidden sin that I committed against my wife because It wasn’t simply a sin against God. It was sin against my own body and a sin against my wife at multiple levels from the deception alone and for that I’m ashamed . How does one do this in humility and have the best shot at keeping the marriage intact? I brought this sin pattern into the marriage and hid it for 8 long years. I’m well aware it’s all my fault, no matter how the conversation or consequences turn out. I have no excuses for my sinful behavior. It was wrong and it destroyed any chance I have had with true intimacy with my wife . I feel I’m responsible to shoulder my earthly consequences of this sin no matter what it is. I’ve never had to confess anything major to my wife before beyond a simple apology for being rude and insensitive a couple times. Any advice out there? I was thinking of confessing To her about this in the context of reading a marriage book at the end of the Sexual brokenness and sin chapter so we we will be in context and already in the topic. Will this help or hurt?
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