Thank you for that. Truthfully, I’m doing the best I can. I know I’m supposed to trust God but it’s not easy…I’m not using him as a crutch. I’m a work in progress. I’m not scared to admit I struggle a lot
What can I do to help you sweetie?
I know you're young with a young daughter.
I do pray for you, my Grands are young with babies.
Sometimes when we let go just let go that's when God comes to our rescue. He is always there just waiting.
Do you have a supportive family?
A church or group of friends that will help hold you up?
I know this isn't easy either but men should be a no no til you get stronger. Used and abused is one of those things that drag down our self worth and causes depression.
Do you work? Have your precious girl full time?
I will especially pray God surround you with support even the kind you can not see.
He loves you and your daughter so very much.Try looking at the blessings in your life and not the negatives.
Are you both healthy?
Do you need help with finances a place to live? I know there are many systems in place that could be a relief line for you. Start searching in your area and don't be ashamed to seek help. You probably even have a county mental health center,that would give you someone to talk to.
Please come back with info and praise when God intervenes. He is OUR strong tower and the righteous run to it.