I’m confused as to why so many evangelicals adore the modern nation state known as Israel. This is not the same Israel of the Bible.
The modern nation known as Israel was created by the United Nations, a satanic and anti-biblical supranational organization. The ancient nation of Israel was specially created and ordained by God.
Now some may object that God used the UN to create Israel. But He already created Israel. Why would He need to again? If anything, the OT prophets repeatedly promised destruction of Israel, which was carried out with the Babylonian exile. There’s no indication that any sort of restoration would be through a godless wanna-be world government.
That fact alone should dispense with the notion that modern Israel bears any resemblance to the Israel of the Bible. But also consider the depravity of the modern state. For instance, it recognizes same-sex marriages performed outside the country. Tel Aviv is proud to be a “gay friendly” city. Pretty sure the Israel of the OT would frown upon that.
Modern Israel is a counterfeit of the biblical Israel in every way.
The modern nation known as Israel was created by the United Nations, a satanic and anti-biblical supranational organization. The ancient nation of Israel was specially created and ordained by God.
Now some may object that God used the UN to create Israel. But He already created Israel. Why would He need to again? If anything, the OT prophets repeatedly promised destruction of Israel, which was carried out with the Babylonian exile. There’s no indication that any sort of restoration would be through a godless wanna-be world government.
That fact alone should dispense with the notion that modern Israel bears any resemblance to the Israel of the Bible. But also consider the depravity of the modern state. For instance, it recognizes same-sex marriages performed outside the country. Tel Aviv is proud to be a “gay friendly” city. Pretty sure the Israel of the OT would frown upon that.
Modern Israel is a counterfeit of the biblical Israel in every way.
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