It doesn't, it is a Metaphor, if you just put a wee little bit of thought into it, common sense would tell you a Modern Day Army doesn't need a river to dry up to actually cross it, they have Helicopters, ships/boats and they can build bridges to cross rivers and take them down in mere hours in modern armies, this is a well know fact. So, why does this not register with you guys? This is why you cant bridge the scriptures that were put out 2000 or so years ago were hey could understand it, but applying it metaphorically where with a little bit of thought, we could also understand it.
Why do people insist the 200 Million from Woe #2 in Rev. 9 need to cross a River in the Iran/Iraq area? Aren't there many other rivers in between China and the Euphrates? Firstly, ALL OF THAT IS WRONG, the 200 Million in Rev. 9 is an Angelic Army, and its not 200 million men from China, its the complete hosts of Heaven as in 10,000 x 10,000 = Completion. They aren't even in Rev. 16, but they get transported t Rev. 16 and become MEN {
}, this is how the scriptures get conflated.
So, what does the scripture you quoted actually mean?
God is Judging Babylon the Great (Rev. 16:19) and in so doing He says that ALL the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD gather to fight against God Almighty, so why does God then have to mention the Euphrates River at all? We know the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD are gathering, it seems a waste of a verse to also mention the kings of the east who cross the Euphrates River Basin....BUT NOT if we understand what God is doing, REMEMBER, this is God judging or recompensing mankind for all of their sins, thus He is calling out ALL False Governments of All Time with a nod here to the Persian and Babylonian Beast Kingdoms, he doesn't have to mention the Greek and Roman Kingdoms because of where the Anti-Christ is born and where he comes to power. He is born in Greece and comes to power in the E.U. (Rome's base), so God is calling out the Four Beasts who ruled immorally over Israel and other nations in the Mediterranean Sea Region.
So, the River Euphrates drying up and the Kings of the East having a path cleared for them, is really just this, the Judgments started POUNDING with the First Four Trumps, then the First and 2nd Woes came where we saw 5 months of pain without death followed by 1/3 of all men with the Mark of the Beast being killed by the "200 million" Angelic Army. This is all followed by the First 5 Vials which much have these people in utter terror, THEN METAPHORICALLY the "Path is Cleared" for the Kings of the East AND all the Kings of the Whole World to regather, reorganize, and for Satan to send out three lying spirits to get these ignorant people to try and go defeat God Almighty and Israel, but in order to do all that, God has to put a SUDDEN STOP to all of His plagues & wrath for a time, giving Satan time to put forth these ideas of wiping out Israel, and fighting against Gid's will.
So, "THE RIVER" which is the obstacle to these "Beast Kingdoms" is not a real river, its God's Judgments where can't even move around, lest they are being targeted by Gods wrath, they are dying end over end, boom, boom, boom. And all of the sudden God takes this impossible obstacle (His Judgments) out of their way. This is How God uses other peoples arguments to reach me, I hear His voice, so when someone the other day says to me how can they come against God if they are being hammered with these plagues and judgments, God's Holy Spirit was like "Ron, the Euphrates River Vial that gathers everyone is the Father STOPPING His judgments long enough for them to make a plan and regroup, and long enough for Satan to LIE AGAIN unto these gullible men". Thus he can get them all whipped into a frenzy where they will try once again to wipe out Israel and defeat God Almighty, like the naive, ignorant and gullible creatures they have become !!
So, its metaphoric in nature, simple common sense tells us modern man dos not need a river to dry up to cross it in order to go to battle, but no one can battle against Gid Almighty right? So, as long as those Plagues/Vials are dropping no man is going to come out and fight God, but later it stops (The River dries up) they can then be lied unto again by Satan, whipped into a frenzy at all "God has done unto them" (yea right, Judgment is on Mankind, God is just in all His ways). Thus the River is God's Judgments they can't even get out of their caves or hiding places, see Seal # 6's Prophetic Uttering, they hid amongst the rocks and then begged to be killed to take them away from God's Wrath.
LONG so I will do another Post to finish up.
Why do people insist the 200 Million from Woe #2 in Rev. 9 need to cross a River in the Iran/Iraq area? Aren't there many other rivers in between China and the Euphrates? Firstly, ALL OF THAT IS WRONG, the 200 Million in Rev. 9 is an Angelic Army, and its not 200 million men from China, its the complete hosts of Heaven as in 10,000 x 10,000 = Completion. They aren't even in Rev. 16, but they get transported t Rev. 16 and become MEN {
So, what does the scripture you quoted actually mean?
God is Judging Babylon the Great (Rev. 16:19) and in so doing He says that ALL the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD gather to fight against God Almighty, so why does God then have to mention the Euphrates River at all? We know the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD are gathering, it seems a waste of a verse to also mention the kings of the east who cross the Euphrates River Basin....BUT NOT if we understand what God is doing, REMEMBER, this is God judging or recompensing mankind for all of their sins, thus He is calling out ALL False Governments of All Time with a nod here to the Persian and Babylonian Beast Kingdoms, he doesn't have to mention the Greek and Roman Kingdoms because of where the Anti-Christ is born and where he comes to power. He is born in Greece and comes to power in the E.U. (Rome's base), so God is calling out the Four Beasts who ruled immorally over Israel and other nations in the Mediterranean Sea Region.
So, the River Euphrates drying up and the Kings of the East having a path cleared for them, is really just this, the Judgments started POUNDING with the First Four Trumps, then the First and 2nd Woes came where we saw 5 months of pain without death followed by 1/3 of all men with the Mark of the Beast being killed by the "200 million" Angelic Army. This is all followed by the First 5 Vials which much have these people in utter terror, THEN METAPHORICALLY the "Path is Cleared" for the Kings of the East AND all the Kings of the Whole World to regather, reorganize, and for Satan to send out three lying spirits to get these ignorant people to try and go defeat God Almighty and Israel, but in order to do all that, God has to put a SUDDEN STOP to all of His plagues & wrath for a time, giving Satan time to put forth these ideas of wiping out Israel, and fighting against Gid's will.
So, "THE RIVER" which is the obstacle to these "Beast Kingdoms" is not a real river, its God's Judgments where can't even move around, lest they are being targeted by Gods wrath, they are dying end over end, boom, boom, boom. And all of the sudden God takes this impossible obstacle (His Judgments) out of their way. This is How God uses other peoples arguments to reach me, I hear His voice, so when someone the other day says to me how can they come against God if they are being hammered with these plagues and judgments, God's Holy Spirit was like "Ron, the Euphrates River Vial that gathers everyone is the Father STOPPING His judgments long enough for them to make a plan and regroup, and long enough for Satan to LIE AGAIN unto these gullible men". Thus he can get them all whipped into a frenzy where they will try once again to wipe out Israel and defeat God Almighty, like the naive, ignorant and gullible creatures they have become !!
So, its metaphoric in nature, simple common sense tells us modern man dos not need a river to dry up to cross it in order to go to battle, but no one can battle against Gid Almighty right? So, as long as those Plagues/Vials are dropping no man is going to come out and fight God, but later it stops (The River dries up) they can then be lied unto again by Satan, whipped into a frenzy at all "God has done unto them" (yea right, Judgment is on Mankind, God is just in all His ways). Thus the River is God's Judgments they can't even get out of their caves or hiding places, see Seal # 6's Prophetic Uttering, they hid amongst the rocks and then begged to be killed to take them away from God's Wrath.
LONG so I will do another Post to finish up.
You have no idea and neither does anyone else how conventional military operations have been effected.
God has determined that the nations of the world led by the anti-christ will meet together at a place called Armageddon.
So you assume, acting as though Revelation gives you all that info for you to make figurative claims of what you think will happen.
What will happen is exactly what God has willed to happen and none of us know how that takes place! We only have a general idea, nothing more. The details of how all this takes place is a complete mystery!