I think the image is showing the Tree of Life overcoming the tree of knowledge.
It's not possible for us to sin around God because the definition of sin is separation from God.
We will be using the Tree of Life as a perception in Heaven ..sinful thoughts aren't going to cross your mind.
Spirit is your perception of reality. You either see things God's way ..or the beast's way.
You have to want to give up this fallen reality of death.
You have to want the compatible perception for God to give you eternal life of peace.
We were told all along this was a choice between LIFE or death.
It isn't meant to make your physical life better so stop expecting anything until the afterlife.
Fallen angels didn't get this same opportunity because they were directly aware of God, so be grateful.
Man always ends up falling, so this place was a necessary step. God is letting you decide to take on the Tree of Life. God is finding souls that can live without sin. This is why God doesn't give direct proof. Your free will to believe or not has to remain.
“To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” (Revelation 2:17).
I think we get a new name because we will fully use the Tree of Life for our perception. Opening the door to Christ causes you to be a new person if you drop your pride and give up the beast system.
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