Where does the Temple of Ezekiel's visions come in?
I believe Ezekiel's temple comes in at the very end. I believe it's New Jerusalem descending from heaven. The dimensions of the temple are massive like it's more than a temple...more like a dwelling place. Also, it's last in the order of prophetic events.
The book of Ezekiel was written while in Babylonian captivity. So its prophecies - as detailed through chapters 33-40 - are fulfilled after Jews return to the land
during the 2nd temple period in the order in which they're given.
Ezekiel 33 - Jews start to sin again when they return from captivity
Ezekiel 34 - Corrupt shepherds mislead Almighty's flock so He searches out His sheep and makes a covenant with them = The Messiah's ministry, His conflict with Pharisees, and the new covenant He established.
Ezekiel 35 - Jerusalem is destroyed and Edom claims holy land as theirs but will be at constant war in the land = 70 AD destruction and eventual claim of the land by those currently controlling it. Since then they've experienced nothing but war in the middle-east.
Ezekiel 36 - Nations of the world
mistreat Almighty's people (both Jew & Gentile) while scattered throughout the nations of the world. This syncs with Daniel 12:7's scattering of the people during their
time of trouble/tribulation.
I believe we are currently here.
Ezekiel 37 - The valley of dry bones rising = long-awaited resurrection/transformation event (
1 Corinthians 15:52) during Messiah's 2nd coming, and then the true gathering of all Israel (Jew & gentile believers in Messiah) will happen.
Revelation 20 explains that the 1000-year reign occurs "here", after the resurrection/gathering but
before the Gog & Magog war. This is when satan is bound, which makes sense considering Messiah/Truth will have come.]
Ezekiel 38-39 - The Gog & Magog attack against a restored Israel at peace, followed by their destruction =
Revelation 20:8 satan is loosed after 1000 years to deceive the nations to attack the saints one last time.
Ezekiel 40-48 - Temple envisioned by Ezekiel =
Revelation 21 as heaven's New Jerusalem kingdom descends on earth and the Almighty finally dwells with mankind as intended.