An either/or question to make me look bad either way. A slippery one, isn't he?
make you look bad? If I can make you look bad, what is the reason behind it? He only way it can possibly make you look bad is if you have an issue with your answer, if you truly have faith in what you believe you would not think twice,
plus, I asked you if God gave you eternal life or conditional life. not a hard question and I may not even agree with your answer, but that does not mean I am right I am just trying to get to the bottom of why you believe the way you do.
Not only am I bad, but now I'm an attacker & he's exposing me.
opposing what? Lol, what is wrong with you? Are you afraid? You are exposing yourself with your attitude and refusal to even answer, and claiming I am just attacking you..once again, if you are secure in your faith nothing I could say would even bother you and you are free to ask me questions also,,that is what a discussion is all about,
Oh, my! Whatever will he do now that I'm attacking him?

You know what I think? I think the audience should check both of our profiles & posts & see for sure who's attacking whom.
yeah they should
they should also see I asked you a sincere question based on something you said, and see your response, and how you continue to respond as if you are being attacked or someone is trying to trick you. And how if I continue you threaten to put me on ignore, and they will see who is the defensive one, and who is trying to ask questions to show you why I believe the way I do, and help me understand why you believe the way you do
you think it is an osas issue, I told you it was not, I just stated a fact, I beliefe eternal life is eternal, I answered the very question I asked you with no fear
and here we are, you are still unable to answer the question
i have no said one thing against you or your belief in our conversation, yet you claim I am attacking or trying to mislead you or trip you up?
But hey, if you do not want to answer real questions
1. don’t tell me if wrong
2. don’t threaten to ignore me because I believe the way I do and wish to discuss it with you
because At that point your the issue, not me