I remember..'The Blizzard of 1979' in Chicago.
I moved to Chicago area.
- A few months before the blizzard..
One winter, in Chicago, the temps rose to the 70's in January. Then it turned cold, and began to snow, but like pouring down. I never saw such a thing before or since. Looking ut windows to the Outer Drive, I saw CTA buses stalled by the snow, and there were caravans of people coming off the drive hoding ands in lines.
Being fairly young and never having seen snow like this in California, I went out, almost in the head of going out to play. I was on Sheridan Rd. musing at how the drifts were going over the there stalled buses. Going around a bus, I spotted something or someone behing the buss. It was an elderly woman, shaing and crying. I got as close as I could, reached for her, and lifted her out of the drift. She was only about thirty feet from the entrance to her high-rise building. It had a doorman and people inside but they could ndot see for the fogged over glass on the entrance.
I kind of scolded the woman telling her never to ever again try to walk through a snowdrift.
This particular snowstorm is not mentioned so much because the truly heavy snow was only to a few blocks off of Lake Michigan, due to the lake effect. So you may not have heard of this one.