That is a good question. The reality is that we do not know yet what the actual numbers are, but we do know that Masons Jezebel's sevants) had infiltrated and gained control of the Presidency of the SBC after the Civil War, in about 1874 and set up the First Baptist Seminary somewhere about that time, and had a Mason that served as President of the then newly built and established Seminary. Furthermore, it was announced some time during the 1980's that Freemasonry was deemed to be "clean" and fit for Baptists to join.
In the meantime, A.A. (Acolholics Anonymous) groups became allowed to de set up in thousands of Baptists Churches to deceive from within. A.A. is a subject all to itself. The bottomline is that the A.A. deception, along with Narcotics Anonymous, and all other "Anonymous" groups is designed to deceive all members into bending the knee to Baal. Those that seek "help" from A.A. are told to leave their religion at the door, and not to bring it into A.A., yet their twelve steps and twelve traditions are daily recited for "repitition and memorization", which is one of Freemasonry's methods of beguiling or brainwashing the mind, as each group huddles together, at the end of each of their meetings to for a circle to pray, albeit that the participants include "Christians", Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Satanists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Seveth Day Adventists, Roman Catholics, Masons, etc., which is the very essence of what it means to "pray to Baal", which is the Masonic goal, as outlined in Satanist Freemason Albert Pike's antichrist book known as "Morals and Dogma". These things are of those that "hold the doctrine of Balaam" and the "doctrine of the Nicolaitans" that cast stumbling blocks, as they teach and seduce The Lord Jesus Christ's servants, which the next paragraph will outline other issues.
It has also been reported that thousands Baptist Churches have also set up Yoga classes. Yoga is the practice by which Buddists and Hindus worhip the sun, and it dates back to the time of ancient Egypt, and it is indeed the express worship of Satan. Furthermore, it has also been reported that many Churches have also brought in "Angel Boards", which are Oujia Boards in disguise. These abominations that have become permeated in ALL Denominations, not just the SBC, is the direct result of growth of the Masonic memberships from within the Denominations. These are of what consist to be "the deep things of Satan". (Read Revelation 2-3 in the King James Bible along with 2Corinthians 11, 2Corinthians 6:14-18, 2Peter 2-3, and Jude). It is reported that some 40% of Baptists are Masons.
These same people, the Masons, are the very same ones that are behind the Occult agenda against the King James Bible. In one of the previous videos, Brother David Daniels does an excellent job of uncovering their conspiracy. I can tell you, that I have seen Gnostics that work behind the scenes, and have encountered and spoken with a number of Illuminati and Freemason members. I can tell you that they worship the Devil, and are most cunning and crafty at diguising themselves as Christians, true to The Lord's holy words in Matthew 7:13-27, Matthew 24 and the aforementioned passages. The people that founded the various false prophet groups, such as Ellen G. White, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, and the list goes on, were all high ranking Satanists; members of the Illuminai-Masonic Lodges, which are Temples of Baal. Their reason was to dumb the masses down, so they could craftily bring in their damnable heresies, and I have seen the results with even with many no longer believing that Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation, as they have become "Ecumunecal"; Denial of the literal hell as taught in the King James Bible, as taught by The Lord Jesus Christ; and then there's the mantra "you can believe whatever you want to believe", and I have seen evil examples of those, once again, disguised as Baptists denying the bodily resurrection, physical return, and Deity of The Lord Jesus Christ, as they preach "another Jesus", and these antichrist doctrines originate from within the Occult, including the Occult false prophet groups.
There are a number of other things that are necessary to mention, but I will reserve some for later posts, as you can see that this post is already become lengthy. But I will state here that in every Church that I had been to, there has not been one that has not had at least one Mason in it. I only know of a very few, from other Christians that are awake to the deceptions, that have kept watched, and have not allowed for Jezebel's servants to usurp any position in their Churches, not so much as a pew sitter.