Ok let's talk about the elephant in the room. Not on the political issues but on biblical point of view.
These are very exciting times we are living in right now, a pandemic, civil unrest, violence in the streets.
Frankly I'm surprised that there are not more threads about what is happening right now.
So as I watched the two party's except their endorsements I couldn't help but notice alot of mis quoted scripture.
Also some blasphemous statements made.
What if any involvement do you think the church should have on the issues on what's being said and done?
I cannot help but think that we should be heard. That if these things go unchecked we will be held accountable.
If I were walking into a ditch I would very much appreciate some one telling me.
I've noticed that some of the so called spiritual leadership has sold out for fame and fortune .
Leading people down a crooked path to destruction.
Also with the sudden arising of these events I can't help but think of end time prophecy.
If anyone wants to respond to this post please keep it in a biblical serious perspective.
We are our brothers keepers, do we just allow some to crash and burn or do we stand at the ready to help?
These are very exciting times we are living in right now, a pandemic, civil unrest, violence in the streets.
Frankly I'm surprised that there are not more threads about what is happening right now.
So as I watched the two party's except their endorsements I couldn't help but notice alot of mis quoted scripture.
Also some blasphemous statements made.
What if any involvement do you think the church should have on the issues on what's being said and done?
I cannot help but think that we should be heard. That if these things go unchecked we will be held accountable.
If I were walking into a ditch I would very much appreciate some one telling me.
I've noticed that some of the so called spiritual leadership has sold out for fame and fortune .
Leading people down a crooked path to destruction.
Also with the sudden arising of these events I can't help but think of end time prophecy.
If anyone wants to respond to this post please keep it in a biblical serious perspective.
We are our brothers keepers, do we just allow some to crash and burn or do we stand at the ready to help?