The main business and primary mandate for the Church (born again believers) is the propagation of the Gospel (Mt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15,16). When sinners are saved by the power of the Gospel and the power of God, they will TURN AWAY from all sin and wickedness to serve the living God. Which means they will stop their anarchism and lawlessness.
So churches must mind their own business and render to God what is God's. In any event, the divisions within Christendom will not allow churches to act in concert. For example the Catholic Church and the mainline denominations have been breaking the law by encouraging and harboring illegal immigrants. Other Christians would condemn them for lawlessness.
The pope has been encouraging the MIGRANT INVASION of Europe and North America. And that includes millions of Muslims, who are enemies of Christians and Christianity. The pope has also been promoting the Climate Change Hoax, the removal of national borders, and the destruction of Western societies and values. Since he is purely a Leftist, why would any sane Christian ever support his nonsense?