Question 1 would be is it really God who has me single? Or is it possibly my own preferences, lifestyle, or maybe even a bit of bad church teaching?
If we're going to be brutally honest here, I'm pretty sure I'm single through a combination of being an introverted homebody, being cautious about who I trust in general and who I'd trust for a relationship even more so, and the fact that that emotional romantic stuff doesn't really compute in my head so I can't really get beyond some of the whatever that would be the emotional precursor to a serious dating relationship before I feel completely confused, lost, and incompetent. And while for many skills you lack you can take classes, the majority of the attitude around relational skills seems to involve a lot of whitewashing the truth at best and outright manipulation at worst; and as state before I do the brutal honesty thing. But as I'm rather super independent and competent in a lot of areas of my life, I've also rarely felt the need for such a relationship so it balances out and I rarely feel down about being single. And then there are the moments when another person around would be nice or you just want a buddy. My plan is to get a robot for the need another person to help with tasks (just as soon as they're invented and on the market) and a dog for the buddy. And in thinking about getting a dog I also realize how much I don't want my plans and routines interrupted, which might be another reason I'm single, just not willing to accomodate my life to another person.