I will think Positive Thoughts for your salvation & well being.
Thank you, Lon, for visiting. I wrote to you earlier in one of your threads believing that you were drawn to this site and drawn for good reason. I still believe that. There's a famous scripture that's almost quoted as much as the Lord's Prayer. It's John 3:16 that says 'For God so loved the
world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have life everlasting" and I'm sure you've heard it before. But here's something you may not know about that verse. In Greek, the word "world" was translated from "kosmos" which is the adornment of the universe. God considers you adornment, the perfection of what He has made. What John 3:16 is talking to is the UN believer. You. For God so loved YOU. You are the whosoever.
I'm going to let you down, Lon. Fail you. I'll let you stay in the dark and you can justify being there by my actions. Every one of us will fail you. It's more comfortable staying in the dark than to understand why you were drawn here. So, I'll pray the winds continue to blow and that you understand you are beauty and precious in His sight. He wants for His prodigal son.