Hey Everyone,
I had wanted to make a post in MegMarch's awesome thread about long or short hair, but I didn't want to distract from her topic.
And so, it seems only fair if we start the female counterpart of that thread.
When asked whether men prefer long or short hair on women, the overwhelming answer, hands down, was that men love long, flowing, silky tresses.
I have read this several times from various sources, and it always makes me nervous. When I was in my teens, I had a medical emergency that resulted in some complications, and when I finally recovered, my hair fell out by the handful for months, and never recovered its original thickness.
My hair is naturally straight, and ever since then, I have almost always gotten perms in order to try to "fluff out" my hair and make it look fuller.
I understand that guys are attracted to long, full hair. But what happens as women get older and their hair starts to thin? I have noticed that my hair gets a little thinner every year, and I've often wondered if/when the day will come that I'll have to get extensions or even a wig because I've always read that most men see women with short hair as being unattractive and unfeminine (and even un-Godly.)
Unfortunately, hair is something none of us can really control.
And so, I was wondering what the response would be to preferences for the length, and/or amount of hair on the men!
How do you all prefer a man's hair to be?
* Long or short?
* Straight, wavy, curly?
* Salt and pepper, or pure gray?
* Receding, thinning, or bald?
* If a man's hair gets too thin, should he just shave it off or rock what he has for as long as he can?
* How do you all feel about comb-overs? And how about if a man wears a wig or toupee?
I am not trying to sound critical in any way -- I'm just someone who is always pondering what we all -- both men and women -- think is "ideal", and how it actually compares to reality, and how (or if?) we will learn to compromise between the two.
Everyone is welcome to answer, and I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!
I had wanted to make a post in MegMarch's awesome thread about long or short hair, but I didn't want to distract from her topic.
And so, it seems only fair if we start the female counterpart of that thread.
When asked whether men prefer long or short hair on women, the overwhelming answer, hands down, was that men love long, flowing, silky tresses.
I have read this several times from various sources, and it always makes me nervous. When I was in my teens, I had a medical emergency that resulted in some complications, and when I finally recovered, my hair fell out by the handful for months, and never recovered its original thickness.
My hair is naturally straight, and ever since then, I have almost always gotten perms in order to try to "fluff out" my hair and make it look fuller.
I understand that guys are attracted to long, full hair. But what happens as women get older and their hair starts to thin? I have noticed that my hair gets a little thinner every year, and I've often wondered if/when the day will come that I'll have to get extensions or even a wig because I've always read that most men see women with short hair as being unattractive and unfeminine (and even un-Godly.)
Unfortunately, hair is something none of us can really control.
And so, I was wondering what the response would be to preferences for the length, and/or amount of hair on the men!
How do you all prefer a man's hair to be?
* Long or short?
* Straight, wavy, curly?
* Salt and pepper, or pure gray?
* Receding, thinning, or bald?
* If a man's hair gets too thin, should he just shave it off or rock what he has for as long as he can?
* How do you all feel about comb-overs? And how about if a man wears a wig or toupee?
I am not trying to sound critical in any way -- I'm just someone who is always pondering what we all -- both men and women -- think is "ideal", and how it actually compares to reality, and how (or if?) we will learn to compromise between the two.
Everyone is welcome to answer, and I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!
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