Hi RMR! Great to see you here!
Your hubby is very wise - no, you don't owe them anything.
Well anyone that is asking for money from you, and making you feel guilty about it, is not a true Christian. How would you be punished exactly - did this person say?
Did Christ exploit people for money? No. He travelled around preaching and relied on gifts and hand outs.
Just remember there are alot of scammers out there, and false churches/prophets, so you have to be cautious and wise in this world.
I would cut off all connection with this person & their church, and tell them straight up you cannot donate any money for their cause. Don't offer any other explanation, or get drawn into a discussion as to why. Just say you cannot donate money, say good luck, then don't see them again. It may be hard, but if you have an email, I'd be emailing them up front and if you need to, change your phone number.
I was in a religion that used to make you feel guilty for alot of things. These people used to invite me over for dinner etc - I never asked them for food of anything else. Then as I got to know their religion, I felt it wasn't for me & told them. They said a few nasty things and also said they had been good to me in the past. I had thanked them for their hospitality and everything. I also didn't like the fact that the senior minister's wife wanted me to give up my university studies (which thankfully I didn't), & was trying to push me into going overseas for missionary work, something I'd told them a few times I didn't want to do, & felt I had no vocation for.
Using guilt tactics is a form of angry & manipulative behaviour.
I'd be steering clear of all of them. You can be polite still but distant. If they keep bothering you (which is what happened to me unfortunately), contact the police and tell them.
See you round the forums.