Hey Ana I've been through it too. I know exactly how you feel.
I think you never get over your perceived love (or first love) breaking your heart. People used to say to me 'you will get over it', but I don't think I ever will. Time does heal the pain. I researched advice on how to get over him, like destroying photos or whatever (I never had any personal photos of him), but I can still see him on FB if I look him up. I won't contact him even though I have his all his phone numbers & emails, as it's too hard for me. It gets better with time, but you need to be kind to yourself and try to just stay out of stressful situations for a wee while. Do lean on your close friends or talk to a counsellor, family member or a pastor. I found writing was a good way for me to get my feelings out, and I took up exercise a bit later on. Or if all else fails, hug your cat or dog, or go out and buy one to hug, (or even a stuffed teddy bear)!
My prayer for you:
Dear Loving Heavenly Father, please look upon Ana with love and kindness, & help her with all her anxiety and her struggles at this time. Give her comfort and the strength to get through this extremely dififcult time for her. Amen.
I hope the hypnotherapist helps but please just be careful, as hypno's can put ideas into your head that shouldn't be there. I'd personally take a friend/family member along with me to monitor what the therapist is saying & doing.
Please let us know how you get on won't you?