Sometimes I think the younger generation don't respond to people talking to them about God or Jesus, because of the language they use. The Bible is not easy to understand. Saying things like: 'Yea. you will be saved by the prodigal Son' for example, will not endear you to younger people. I doubt they would even understand those words that are used. Sometimes, it's the language we use when talking to younger people and the WAY we explain things that can make a big difference.
In my job, we are taught not to react in anger - and we get the most acute clients you could imagine who swear, shout & who can become violent. We use a calm voice & non-threatening gestures, & answer all their questions they may have. We take them to a quiet place to sit & talk with them. Reacting in anger is no good for anybody. Our clients more often than not calm down, & then understand why we are saying what we are saying to them.
Although you shouldn't compromise on your principles, perhaps you could use simple language and explain to your daughter how hurt you are by this process. Take her out to a different environment like a coffee shop, where it is a nice, cheerful setting.
I also do sexual health counselling. Perhaps your daughter has been brainwashed by her bf to have sex outside of marriage. I don't know you or your daughter, but maybe your daughter is secretly afraid & is just trying to please her man by taking up his suggestion to stay there, (maybe it was her suggestion to please him). Either way, I'd sit down with her in a casual environment & ask does she understand the consequences of sex outside of marriage, such as STDs/STIs & unwanted pregnancy, plus the psychological damage this can do when you 'aren't ready' for intercourse. Waiting for marriage & being psychologically ready (as much as possible), & armed with all the facts of having intercourse, is the wisest decision.
If you don't feel comfortable doing that, enlist the help of your local nurse or sexual health counsellor, or a trusted Aunt. Kids don't usually open up to their parents, and can sometimes be manipulated by their other halves, so they just do what their gf/bf wants to desperately please them. And kids do not think or know of the consequences of their actions sometimes. Or sometimes they simply don't care.
I've always believed that you have to let kids make their own mistakes, and just guide them as much as you can. Those mistakes can be serious, but you can't change kids minds - hopefully, they will learn from their mistakes - but many in my experience don't. And if you 'mollycoddle' or enable kids too much, they just take advantage of you.
Might be time for her to get her own place methinks!
You could try the above and see how you go.
Hope this helps a wee bit