My friend gave away almost everything he had because he wanted "to follow Jesus". But he attempted to follow the wrong Jesus. We are to follow the resurrected Christ who spoke to us through Paul, not the earthly Jesus who preached the ultimate version of the Law of Moses to the Jews.
In the company where we worked many co-workers became very interested in the Bible and were already attending services as a result of our conversion, but when my friend pointed out to them that it was very hard "to follow Jesus" (sell all you have and give the money ...) ALL of them turned away from the faith.
That's why we must teach the exact truth about the Christian doctrine, not plus or minus anything. Salvation is not as hard as a camel going through the eye of a needle, but we can't receive it hands down, either. Salvation, according to the resurrected Christ (Paul's teachings), is absolutely feasible and God wants all of us to be saved.
In the company where we worked many co-workers became very interested in the Bible and were already attending services as a result of our conversion, but when my friend pointed out to them that it was very hard "to follow Jesus" (sell all you have and give the money ...) ALL of them turned away from the faith.
That's why we must teach the exact truth about the Christian doctrine, not plus or minus anything. Salvation is not as hard as a camel going through the eye of a needle, but we can't receive it hands down, either. Salvation, according to the resurrected Christ (Paul's teachings), is absolutely feasible and God wants all of us to be saved.
I appreciate you sharing your experiences.
I know that must have been discouraging.
There is so much to see in what happened.
I am not saying what your friend did by telling everyone what to do was right. I do not know if he was led by the Holy Spirit. If not there is something to be said for leading men to the anointing with the Holy Spirit where you can be sure they will be led into "all Truth"
To try to lead new converts places where the Holy Spirit has not prepared their hearts is problematic. Was your friend correct is what he personally did? Depends. Why did he do it makes all the difference. I would not personally tell anyone to do so without a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit.
I do not think we agree completely on our doctrines, but then again each man walks with Yahshua and our Heavenly Father according to how they commit their hearts to that relationship as led by the Holy Spirit. It may not be nearly as much as "what" we believe as where we are in our beliefs. We were once in total darkness until God called us to repentance and the Justification through Yahshua. What follows that is where our participation is paramount in finding our way to the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that we might walk in the "newness of life" For here it moves at the pace of our commitment. Many stop at the start (not saying you) satisfied with justification, but the real miraculous life begins again after the anointing with the Holy Spirit.
If a man has any sincere questions about this part of the walk he should petition God sincerely;
Php 4:6-7 NIV Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (7) And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Just as it was then, wait for it, seek it with all your heart. The Holy Spirit is the Key to all that plagues every beleiver! It is a absolute necessity! You don't have to speak in tongues, we should all just desire the transfromative work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts
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